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Carter ~

'What is your problem?' Grabbing Carmen from the hallway into a different room, locking the door immediately

'Do you know how crazy you look getting close to me while Kylie is somewhere looking for you' Carmen said

'What did you say to Kylie the other day?' I got straight to the question

'None of your concern' she calmly said

'Let. Me. Ask. You. Again.' I gritted my teeth, leaving no room for the both of us 'What did you tell Kylie?'

'ANSWER ME!' I shook her

'The things you're doing right now- this, she can't be with you- you don't deserve her' she spoke

'You just want her to yourself!' I snapped

'And that too........' she let out a sly giggle 'I'm playing, she kinda though'

Don't do it Carter.

'Look, I can't have you forcing another girl to make you love her the way I tried to love you'

'Hence the word tried' I cocked my eyebrow

'Yes- I tried to love you and you pushed me away, why do you think I cheated on you? I wanted to get away from you, you trapped me, you threatened me of all the worst case scenarios'

The phone started to sound of in my blazer pocket. Kylie is probably looking for me like crazy and this is the last place I want her to find me.

'You don't say a word!' I spoke demeaningly, narrowing my eyes at her


'WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! COURT STARTS IN FIVE MINUTES AND YOU'RE NO WHEFE TO BE FOUND!' She shouted in the phone as I pulled the phone away from my ear in shock

'Hello the fuck to you to' I responded, keeping my eye on Carmen, watching her next move

'I'm not playing with you Carter, this can affect your client negatively if your ass doesn't show up in the next four minutes now' she reminded me 'plus I don't see your ex girl there with her client, this can go very well with your case'

Looking at Carmen as I swallowed hardly- Kylie not knowing I'm in the same room as her 'alright alright, I'll be there in a minute' I told her

'You better be' she warned, couple seconds after she ended the phone call


'You lucky this judge is a nice judge' Kylie Said sternly as I quickly took my seat 'He thought something was up between you and Carmen so he gave it a few more minutes- where were you by the way?' She asked

'Well I'm here now so it doesn't matter' I dodged the question

'You were with her- don't lie to me' Kylie's words shocked me 'don't be fucking wasting my time, if you still want your ex, take her'


The judge hit the hammer on the desk as everyone started to simmer down in the court room. I couldn't even get to finish what I was going to say to Kylie, which pissed me off.

This should be the last trial for this case and whatever happens is whatever happens. I feel like another one may be approaching but in a separate case due to how some of the evidence I both found does not make sense at all. After this, hopeful I can start training Kylie for Issabella's case- only if she's not mad at me after this.

'Your honour, I'm confident that my client is innocent, until proven guilty........' I spoke

Up came Chloe as she walked herself to the confession pit. She placed her hand on the bible as she solemnly promised to tell the truth and the truth only.

Hearing the heels click on the floor, I looked up discreetly at Carmen, she turned her head slightly from the corner of her eyes, she gave Kylie a somewhat of an unreadable look, that I tried to comprehend but just couldn't.

'Where were you on January the 23rd?' Carmen asked her

'I went to the exchange nightclub' she answered


'No- I went with three of my friends' she said

'How did you come in contact with Cameron?' She asked

'My friends said they saw him looking at me from the bar areas and they coaxed me to go over to him, so I did' she explained

'So you went to him' Chloe nodded her head 'what happened at the moment before you claimed he took you to his house?'

'We did talk a little bit- got to know each other. He bought me a drink, I was sober enough to see that he didn't put anything it, but we did proceed in taking shots and I did loose myself in that moment'

'So you got drunk?' Carmen pointed out the obvious

'Yes' Chloe responded

'Do you have an idea of what happened to you before you came out the club?' She asked

'Not really, the only thing I remembered was being seated in front of him as the music was faded in the background'

'So after you claim that my client bought you over to his house and apparently raped you- do you even remember that part of the night?'

Why the fuck would she ask that question- she was fucking drunk! How the hell is she supposed to remember?

'Well I can't remember, but I found myself naked, laying on his bed unprovoked' she said

'So how do you know he was the one that raped you or gave you an STD?' She abruptly asked, making me choke on my salvia as I was more alert then usual 'there could've been another person in that house that could've raped you'

'But he confessed a while back that he did have sex with me while I wasn't in my right mind, so why are you asking me this question' Chloe started to scoff

'Oh yes, that is true but how do you know that he was the one that gave you the STD?'

'He was the only one I had sex with last' she admitted

'But we tested Cameron and he's negative for any sign of a STD'

And this is were the case goes south.

'How many people have you slept with Chloe?' Carmen went of script and asked questions that she didn't need to ask

'None of your business' chloe instantly said

'Well how did you get the STD Chloe?' Carmen tilted her head


'He's negative, it was obviously a partner you slept with in the past that passed it down to you or are you just active 24/7?'

'Why are you going of topic, those are not the questions you're supposed to ask' Chloe started to get frustrated

'Well how are we supposed to cut to the chase then?.........'

'OBJECTION YOUR HONOUR!' I raised up 'Those are not the questions she should be asking'

The judge looked at me before looking back at Chloe and Carmen. He slowly dismissed the both of them as Chloe ended up storming back to her seat angry.

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