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Carter ~


'I'm sorry I'll call you back' and the line all of a sudden was cut of, leaving a heavy sigh from out my mouth

Not wanting to give up, I rang her phone again and again and again until I realised she wasn't going to be picking up any my calls for some time.

I fisted my hand upon the desk angrily, releasing a low growl.

My head shot up to the door as I heard a repetitive knock on my door 'come in!' I frustratingly answered 'Get out!' I didn't even give her time to step foot into the room

Who the fuck keeps on letting her in!

'But Carter......' she ignored me, still stepping in

'CARMEN I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!' I raised from my feet, shouting at her

Carmen looked at me as if she'd seen a ghost, her olive skin turning pale and her eyes going wide at my abrupt outburst.

'Look..........' I came out of my anger trance calmly

'No it's fine.......I'll- I'll bother you a next time' she said still shaken as she was about to turn her heel

'No!' I stopped her

What the fuck am I doing?

'No- I meant.......what do you want Carmen?' I asked her

'It's- it's nothing really' she shrugged her shoulders 'I just came by because usually I would see Kylie at the cafe but she wasn't here so I thought something bad happened to her and obviously you would know something about it.....' she was coming back to her normal self as all I heard was bullshit from her mouth

'You thought something bad happened to her and I would've played a part in it?' I shook my head slowly as a small grin played upon my lips

'Well.........' was all she said

I analysed her very carefully, from her long dark brown hair as my eyes draped down to the black dress that hugged around her curves to her long legs that built up her height with the black pump heels she had on.

I came from behind the table and walked over to her slowly as she displayed looks of being flustered and confused. She stepped back as her eyes were still glued onto me. My grin got even bigger looking at how vulnerable she looked not knowing what she got herself into. My arms finally reached out to grip the sides of her waist as I took in her strawberry scent I always used to love on her.

'What do you Really want Carmen?' I gripped onto her waist a little tighter than usual as I could hear her breathe become hitch

'I didn't really know that-'

'I know what you're really in for Carmen, you want me to fuck you recklessly, bend you over the desk like I always used to do- you loved it, didn't you?' I didn't give her time to respond, looking into her eyes lustily 'Kylie's not here- it might be our lucky day, you could get what you've always wanted, right?' I questioned her

Waiting for her response, she snaked her hands around my neck, biting her pink lips as I knew I got her where I wanted her.

Yeah right- I chuckled to myself

'What's so funny' she asked giving me a confused look

'You really think I'll actually stoop that low' I cocked my brow at her with a sly smile 'whoever is working at that reception I'm gonna make sure they don't let your ass back here again' I removed my hands away from her hips as I gripped her arm, dragging her gently behind me, straight out the room to the reception


Kylie ~

'Is there even any point of me going out to look for all of these people' I thought to myself as I flipped through all the papers scattered on my desk 'no there's no point........I might as well use the evidence Hakeem gave to me.......oh Hakeem'

I took a sip of my red wine- it was really needed. Just knowing what actually happened to my brother after thirteen years of bewilderment.......it just hit me so badly. In a fucked up society, that we live in this day in age, why does the white society still believe that all blacks look alike? Why do they believe that all blacks are up to no good?

'You need any help Ky?' I spun my head around to see Terry leaning on the door, looking weary

'Oh god!' I said shockingly '- did I wake you? Sorry.......' I apologised

'Nah you woke me girl- I went downstairs to get a drink of water, I didn't know you were still up' she said walking up close to me 'how you feeling though?'

'I Feel like someone has hit me with a brick at the side of my head' I whined giving her pouty look

'Oh damn the wine I got, has it gotten to you as yet?' Terry chuckled

'No kind of strong ass drink is going to take away the pain I feel about finding the way how I lost my brother' I sighed deeply

'Look-' Terry took my shoulders gently and turned me around for me to face her '-remember what you're doing now. This isn't going to bring your brother back, but you sitting here doing all your best to give Kayden justice is going to make him proud- I bet he's smiling down at you right now'

I couldn't even say anything at this moment, my lips started to quiver as I felt a knot form in my throat 'let it out girl' seconds after tears started cascading on my checks

'It just breaks my heart T.........' I cried through my sobs as Terry crouched down to comfort me 'like- like I knew how badly this hurt me, it's been hurting me for thirteen years and hearing the actually truth, it's like another one? It would hit you because it's another brother but when it's someone close to you.......my own flesh and blood, my partner in crime- my brother.........' I sobbed even louder than I did before

'I know it fucking hurts Ky.......it fucking hurts........'

Oh Kylie😭😭😭

Did any of you think that Carter was going to really tap Carmen's ass🤣

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