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Kylie ~

I couldn't go on anymore with the taping, I felt like I had all my questions answered even though I had about three more to go. I could feel the big lump in my throat forming as I finished the tape. I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from quivering as I stared blankly at the sheet of paper as tears threatened to spill.

'And we're finished........'

'Kylie-' I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Hakeem's voice

'We're finished- I'll let you go now' I said abruptly as I started packing the items I took out back into my bag

'Wait Kylie don't you want to talk-'

'Talk-' I snapped at him accidentally 'there's nothing to talk about, my questions are already answered' I told him, raising up from my seat

'But I didn't kill him.......why are you being blunt with me all of a sudden?' I looked up at him as I watched his green eyes glisten from emotion

'I need a moment Hakeem' I told him feeling my emotions nearly coming undone in front of him

I walked straight to the door, nearly unlocking door as I felt his eyes burning at the back of my head for proper answers from him.

'Hakeem!' I semi yelled in agitation, turning to face him

'What!' He reciprocated the same energy back 'we were fine earlier now that I've done told my side, you wanna be blunt with me........just talk to me and tell me how you feel before you leave me........again' his voice cracked at the end as I started to shake out of my nerves

'Hakeem.........I need this time to myself.......' I told him, almost whispering

'Okay.........I understand.........' he finally agreed to give me my space before sighing

I turned around to unlock the door as I opened it up for the two of us to be released out the small office. I stepped out first thinking I was going to be on my way, only my gut stopping me to turn around to see Hakeem standing a couple inches away from me before he was taking away.

I watched his melancholy eyes analyse me very carefully as I felt every bit of guilt within me. Watching him was like watching a slow motion cartoon and I didn't know when this was going to stop as it felt like our stares was happening forever. I thought maybe a soft smile and a wave before he left would fill the void between us only for his response to give me an unreadable expression on his face as his raised both of his brows.

His figure was now fading as he was far gone away from. I stood there in the same spot in complete confusion, replaying the weird couple seconds of the encounter we just had. Remembering another pain within my chest, I instantly thought of Kayden as I felt a knot form in my throat. I had to get out of this building instantly, I was not going to let these strangers see me crying only for them to get in my goddamn business.

My phone rang loudly, vibrating in my bag as I let out a huge sigh, coming out of my deep thoughts. Carter's name flashed across the screen as I hesitated to pick it up but answered it not wanting to worry him.

'Hey' I said sadly as I was slowly making my way out the building

'Hey.......you alright?' He asked me, noticing the change of my thoughts

'Not really-' I told him as there was no point of lying to him 'I just spoke to Hakeem.........he told me everything that went down before my brother was killed and I'm just taking some time to you know......it's just a hard pill to swallow'

'You want me to call you back or-'

'No!' I cut him off abruptly 'hearing your voice to comforting for me' I sighed softly

'Sooooo how's California? You get any new cases as yet?' I tried my best to change the conversation as I stepped outside the building

'Well they did give me this one case,' he started of saying 'It's a Rape case with a family member involving a minor, pretty fucked up but you know I gotta give justice as soon as possible and.....'

'Hmm......' I said bluntly, shaking my head

'Kylie I'm not stupid, tell me why you're upset-'

'I already told you why I was upset Carter! Can we move onto something else?' I shouted into the phone accidentally as I felt my voice crack


'I'm sorry I'll call you back' before he could even say anything else, I ended the phone call

I shoved the phone right into my bag as I went of to a random secluded area where the bushes were and broke down and cried. My phone was going off multiple times but I wasn't going to answer it. My cries began to get louder and could've been heard by anyone passing by.

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