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Kylie ~

'Why the fuck isn't he picking up his phone' I muttered to myself frustrated as I took out my phone, calling him for the last 15 times

Looking around in the small business room I was in before It was official my second attempt to go out and finish a case, I was on the verge of bursting out in anger all because of Carter. I told him it was better off for him to get to new York by last night, but he wanna tell me he have some work to do, which I understand but he's not going to be in time for this court case he promised me that he'll be here for and it's twenty minutes until it's time and I haven't seen a text or had a call from him since.

My head snapped at the knock of the ajar door when I saw Hakeem peeking through. I thought he was the only one by himself only for the door to be opened up my another man as Hakeem was still cuffed in handcuffs with his prison uniform still on.

I hope this is the last time he'll ever been in a uniform as disgusting like that!

'Hey' he spoke as I gave him a weary smile

I'm guessing by the look in his eyes he wanted to talk to me.......Alone.

'Can we have a minute sir' I asked politely as he gave in hesitatingly, closing the door behind him leaving just me and Hakeem in awkward silence

I looked carefully in his green eyes as they glistened and they looked puffy and red- he must've been crying. I used my eyes to analyse him as I was too scared to open my mouth to talk to him. I don't know what it is, it's been two weeks since I've visited Hakeem and we left on such an awkward note- I can only imagine what he's been going through.

'So you said you wanted to have a minute of what- talking or looking at me.......' his voice snapped me out of my thoughts

'You've been crying......' I spoke out

'And if I have, don't I have the right to cry?' He questioned me followed by a chuckle

'Yeah but- look I'm sorry I haven't visited you after our last encounter together, I just- I just......' I got chocked up, remaining lost in his eyes

'You ain't got to apologise for nothing Ky.....' he stepped a little bit as he showed a smile 'I get it, it took you thirteen years to get the truth about your brother and I know it takes time to stomach the truth, just like it did for me....' he spoke lowering his head

'I know I know but I should've told you how I was feeling when you asked me' I immediately regretted how our last encounter played out

'Nope we didn't' he nodded his head taking more steps towards me 'you needed your time to yourself, I wasn't trying to step over your boundaries' he raised his hands in surrender

'Well thank you.....' I grinned happily 'how you feeling today? This is definitely going to be your last day in these for sure' I was very certain with my prediction as I tugged at his orange uniform, at the sleeves 'and why do they still have you chained up?.......'

'I'm feeling okay, even if I'm freed I don't even know what I would do with myself Ky, like society has definitely changed I don't know if I'll even be able to adapt to those changes' he shrugged his shoulders

'I help you Hakeem, when you get out which will be today, I'll help you get a job, get a home for yourself, help you socialise with this new world, help you find the love of your life, help you start a family- Why do you have that look on your face?' I asked him as he displayed a weird smile upon his face

'What look do I have on my face?' He teased

'Nothing' I shrugged it off

I looked at the phone in my hand to see if Carter had called or texted and still was an empty screen. I cursed under my breath, low enough for Hakeem not to hear.

'You good?' I looked back up at him realising he was very close to me, nearly closing the gap between us

'Oh- ' I said in shock 'yeah I'm good, just looking at the time and it's nearly time to set you free' I backed away from him

'Set me free?' He asked giving me a puzzled look

'Yes.....set me free' I rolled my eyes 'wait Hakeem do you believe that you'll be back in the cells after this?' I asked him, folding my arms

'Set me free for what, I'm better off in prison'

'Hakeem I told you I got you after this, I'll help you through it all, I'll even get Tyrell and them lot to help you out as well......'


'No buts-' I silenced him '- after this, your name would be cleared and you have the chance to start all over.....pick up from where you left of. Got it?' He looked up at me hesitantly before replying to me

'Got it'


'Alright now, this is it.......' I grew nervous for Hakeem as myself while shaking 'remember, you got this' I reminded him

'I got this' he smiled making me feel little more at ease

Seconds before it was time to get ourselves in our places, I scanned the room to see Carter as there was no sight of him whatsoever. I didn't want to spend my time becoming anxious when this was Hakeem's case, but the fact that he didn't show up and just lied to me, giving me false hope, is like a big fuck you to my face- he can forget about the L word when I get back to seeing him!

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