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Kylie ~

'What's wrong with Ky Ky?' I watched Terry pout her lips as I was sitting in front of the mirror while she straightened my hair

'I'm fine Terry' I told her

'You told me that yesterday and now you're still gloomy as shit when you should feel the opposite, going on your date with Carter soon' she reminded me

That's the fucking problem.

'I'm spending too much time with him, I wanna spend time with you' I confessed

'Is everything okay in your relationship Kylie, because I will cut up a dude if I have to' she said

'No-no nothings wrong, you'll won't be doing none of that' I told her

'So what's wrong with spending time with your man?' She questioned


'.........Nothing' I breathed 'it's just that-it's just that I invited you over this week so we can have fun, just us two so we could catch up'

'I know, but Ky one day you're gonna find the one and I will always be your best friend- but you'll be seeing less of me in your life, focusing on your husband......children-'

'T I'm only 24, what's my ass doing thinking about marriage and family' I stopped her

'How old is he?' She asked

'27' I said

'He's gonna want to settle down soon Ky' she reminded me

If only she knew this was a whole game.......

'Imagine little Carter's and Kylie's running around the house- Imma be an Auntie!' She spoke with so much happiness

I don't even wanna imagine that........but I'm not trying to be big headed, but I know for a fact that we'll have good looking children.


It was silent between us two when we went to our table. It has been silent between us since the thirty minute car journey. I didn't want to go on this date, not sure about him but we have to carry on being the believable couple to Terry (which I hate lying to her).

'I know you heard what James said earlier on' Carter started the conversation as I raised my head from the menu

'Whatchu mean- you think you can read my mind now?' I smacked my lips

'Arghh shut up with all that assuming shit!' He rolled his eyes trying not to start a scene

'Assuming? I'm just saying' I backed up

'You've been silent for a long time now and now that I've started a conversation, you're giving me all this attitude' he started 'you can't tell anyone how you feel apart from me and I'm trying to help you and but you're being a bitch!'

'Don't you dare call me a bitch!' I glared at him raising my voice

'I wouldn't have to call you a bitch if you weren't so aggy all the fucking time' he leaned forward in his chair as he fisted his right hand on the table

The waiter came over to order our drinks and hell I needed one or I was finna start up a fight with this man in front of me. I saw the way how the young man was looking at Carter- hell I don't want him, he's all yours.

The way Carter looked as he was focusing heavily on what to get, looking in the menu. The way his arms tensed naturally through his white long sleeve fitted shirt. One elbow was resting on the table, flexing his silver diamond watch as he repeatedly pushed his back out of frustration.

I couldn't help but get a little bit nervous as I started to tap my fingers vigorously on the the table, not even knowing he put his hand on top of mine to stop.

'Tell me how you're feeling Kylie' he looked at me with worry in his eyes

'I stood behind the door.........' I sighed 'before walking in, I overheard the conversation you were having with him- he said I'm only good at opening my legs for him' I looked down at the white cloth on the table

'Why do you let that bother you?' He asked me

''Because I'm stupid enough to let the same man that called me a one night stand get into my pants several
Times' My eyes wandered as I lowered myself in the seat in embarrassment

'Kylie we all make mistakes-'

'I made a dumb mistake' I looked back at him

'You wanna go somewhere else?' He changed the subject

'Like where?' I asked

I was not in the mood at all- I just want to go home at this point.

'Somewhere to free your mind, I don't like seeing you this upset' his piercing sharp blue eyes met up with my hazel eyes

He cares about me?..........

'Um waiter!' The same waiter that took our order for drinks as he bought them over to our table 'can I have a bill please?'

'But you just got here' he tried to reason with us as Carter tried to not put on a frustrated look

'Stuff came up' he said as the waiter simply nodded


It was exactly twelve in the morning. We just walked out the cinema after a long ass film we both watched. The speed of the wind picked up as I was sent a little coldness that travelled up my spine. It was like Carter could read my mind, before I could even utter the sentence, he instantly removed his trench coat and placed it on me.

'You don't have too do that........' I lied knowing damn well I appreciated it

'You're cold' he told me

We walked over to his Rose Royce (sorry this man has too many cars) as he opened the door for me to get in as I smiled lightly at him.

'Carter-' he stopped looking for his seatbelt as his undivided attention was now on me '- I'm really sorry for getting angry at you, I didn't mean- no I shouldn't have put my anger out on you like that-'

'Shushhhh' his face was close to mine 'it doesn't matter now, I'm just glad that your happy now' he said

I chewed on my lip, as my eyes still remained on his. I was nervous on what was to come next as I could here out hearts beat as we sat in the now warmed up car. Gravity was pulling us both together as I leaned forward- Carter following my lead..........


'What was that!' We both parted as we heard a loud bang

'I don't know, but whatever the fuck that was, we need to go!' Carter sounded alarmed, seconds later pulling away from the parking lot

I looked out the window, admiring the clear starry night sky as I repeatedly tapped my fingers thinking about what could've been.

Imagine if I actually kissed him?

A long but maybe cringey chapter..........I will release another chapter for tomorrow!

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