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Kylie ~

I remained seated in Carter's car as I got in. Staring at the window to see the many cars that surrounded us in the parking lot, I couldn't take my mind of the mysterious looking man I came across earlier. He was mighty fine and a very hard component- but that wasn't it. I kept getting unclear visions of pictures in my head to jog my memory to where I've seen his face before. It seems like many years ago- a decade even, but I don't think it could be that serious, maybe he was my teacher or involved with my mom- Nah she don't swirl like that.......well what would I know that my mom does to be honest.

Hearing the car door close on Carter's behalf, I jumped due to the sudden sound, making me turn my head to face a chuckling Carter.

'What's funny?' I asked him

'Your reaction- it's cute' he said as I deeply sighed

He took the time to calm his laughter as he looked into my hazel eyes, knowing something was wrong.

'Whats wrong Ky?' He asked

'Who's that man- the opposing man I was up against?' I wasted no time in my questioning

'I was just gonna ask you that same question, like you were staring at him like you two had something going on in the past' I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth

'Carter are you fucking serious!' I replied with a shocked outburst 'that man look twice my age, you're tryna say I'm a gold digger or some shit!'

'ради всего святого!' he cursed in Russian as he slouched in his seat in frustration (For fuck sake!)

'Whatever the fuck you just said, I ain't got nothing to do with that man, I just wanna know who he is, like he just looks too familiar to me' I told him

'Well he was there, you could've asked him then' he stated as I shot him a powerful look

He's lucky I didn't shoot him a powerful slap to his face!

'URGHHHH!' I growled annoyed by his statement 'just fucking drive so we can go home!' I ended the useless conversation

'I'm not your fucking bitch!' He groaned as I turned my head to see who he was raising his voice at 'Last time I fucking checked I bought this fucking car and I paid for it- you can walk your fucking ass home if thats how you're gonna be!' He cursed out, as he meant every word of his statement as I remained silent not having anything else to say


'I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!' Terry squealed on the other side

Placing myself on the sofa in the living room as I was too lazy to go up to my room as I just got back from a long and busy court session, I chuckled at Terry's reaction feeling good about myself.

'If you knew how nervous I was- this is a very serious Case T, I need to make sure I get full justice for my client and it's not just because it's my job, but she really needs it so it can help and stabilise her for the future' I started thinking of long term affects her testifying would have on her

'Trust me Girl, I know you will win the case and your client will get the justice she deserves' Terry made sure

'She needs to. I just hope after the case, she can have a weight lifted over her shoulder- you know step by step. I want her to get the proper help she needs, gain a really good education.......The men that have basically ruined her life, it's like she's a different person at times. If she's around women she's okay, when it's men, it's like she can't breathe, she's gets panic attacks and I can't have that affecting her for the rest of her life. The trauma will never go away I understand, but trying to do something about it will help her get the opportunities she wants in the future'

'Damn you care for her like she's your own daughter' Terry noticed that I was showing real concern for Issabella

'During law school watching all those rape documentaries and all of that, it really made me think if the victim would get the help they got because Testifying ain't gonna do shit. They'll live with the trauma forever without getting the proper help they need and I know how that it is for them- especially loosing Kayden, the whole fucking thirteen years of my life I was left confused- I didn't even know what to do with myself' I admitted to her

Hearing footsteps coming from the stairs, Carter appeared into the living room as he still had parts of his suit on. He looked like he ran a hand through his hair ferociously as it looked scruffy but in a good way. His collar was unbuttoned as his black tie was loosened around the collar. I didn't really say anything much as I was listening to Terry's response.

He came over, taking a seat right next to me as he felt exhausted with life, bringing his head back, sighing heavily to release all the toxicity within him. I was shocked when he did that because I thought he was pissed of at me so I made sure to stay my distance from him.

My eyes wandered at him curiously to see if he was genuinely okay. He seemed tired to me and I couldn't blame him.

So no date then........

'What was that?' Terry asked as she must've heard the shuffling from Carter's heavy form sinking onto the sofa

'Oh it's just Carter-' I laughed '- I think he's just tired' I said looking at him as his blue eyes were staring back at me

He wasn't tired-

While talking on the phone, I felt Carter's hand snake up my exposed leg, going further to the inner area of my thighs. Knowing I didn't want him to stop the mild teasing he was giving as I placed my weak hand over his, he placed a mischievous smile on his face.

'Ooh no- n-no he's not.......' I said as I felt my breathe hitch

He was like the devil- a predator. I could feel his sharp blue piercing eyes burning a whole at the side of my head as his mouth watered for my exposed neck to be nibbled on. I felt his teeth dig gently into my skin where my soft spot was as I let out a hissy moan, forgetting I was on the phone with my best friend.

'What in the- Kylie what's going on!' She sounded mad and confused as Carter continued to kiss around all over my neck, biting my lip to contain myself

'T I'll call you- I'll call you back' I hurried to end the call before she could say anything else

And I wished my ass stayed on the phone with her!

The second my phone was free from my hand, Carter composed himself as he freed his lips from my back, looking at him with all types of mad on my face.

'What was the point of you doing all of that when I was having a good conversation with Terry!' I complained

'I just wanted your attention' he shrugged his shoulders

'For fuck sake' I rolled my eyes, picking up the phone as he stopped me from doing that as he pulled both my hands 'you gonna finish what you started?' I asked him

'After the night out I planned- I told you I had something special planned tonight earlier, remember?'

I knew

'But Carter I don't think I can wait that long-' I started feeling a type of arousal swirl around my body

'If we start, we won't be able to finish' he said as I started imaging inappropriate scenes in my head

When you haven't fucked your man for a long time.......

'Okay then-' I started to raise up from the sofa 'whatever I wear will make you wish we never went out in the first place'

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