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Kylie ~

Days went on and all I could think about was the kiss I had with Hakeem. You're meaning to tell me that Hakeem was acting off with me that whole night because he has feelings for me???? He wasn't going to be off with me because he just wanted to kiss me, and funny enough I felt everything he was feeling even though I cut the kiss short.

Thinking about it, it all makes fucking sense. The first time I met him, why the fuck did I come back to Terry worrying over anything Hakeem had to tell me about how he felt about me. No wonder why he told me he felt like he was in love with me; he actually is. Also Terry foreshadowed all this bullshit but I ain't ever thought I'll be second guessing my choices along side the bold choice Hakeem decided to make.

I haven't even told Carter about it, and it's best that it stays that way or I'm going to be in a lot of hot water.

'FUCK KYLIE ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!' James' voice boomed in the office

Damn why that man gotta be loud.

'You don't have to shout at me....damn' I raised my hand at me ear

'You re-opened a case and won and you think you the shit now? I've been talking to you about this new case I'm assigning you with and you keep on gazing like something deep is on your mind' he read me very well 'Do you want to do this case or not?'

'Yes' I responded

'Well look like you want to do it then!' He slammed the papers into my hold as I grabbed them away from him 'Now this is the last fucking time I'm going to go over this and then you're on your own. Judging by your last case and I've given you this murder case involved with an alleged police brutality that happened to be a sixteen year old Bryce Miller two weeks prior......you wanna make the system right again, right?'

'Yes but me-'

'I don't want to hear anything' he cut me off 'I gave you this case because I admire your passion and your work ethic- don't disappoint and get to work' was his finally words of encouragement before I left his office

Turning on my heel, I could feel his intense stare on my my ass, rolling my ass in irritation. I'm not even wearing anything tight or fitting where you would get a good glimpse of my rear end and he can't manage to control his urges towards me, despite if I'm taken or not.

'I will stab my fingers into your eyes if you don't take them off my ass!'

Making my way into the room Carter was in, he was heavily concentrated on his own individual case he was doing homework on. To be honest, I really thought that we would actually get some time alone to explore one another once we landed back in L.A. four days ago. As much as he was in the mood for sex, Hakeem's boldness still shock me and I felt uncomfortable as hell riding if I was going to be riding on top of Carter, thinking about some other man. At the same time, his work load increased each day so it did take me some time to regain myself before I could revert back to my usually self.

'Hey baby....' I walked towards Carter, giving him a kiss on his cheeks

'Hey.....' he responded flatly while he went back to his work

I deserved that.

I took my seat a couple of chairs away from him, getting my work out on the table to start reading over my given case. I could feel Carter's sharp blue eyes piercing at the side of my head, making me uncomfortable.

'Why are you sitting far away from me?' He asked

'I er......we both have work to do, I don't want to distract you.....' I thought

'You haven't distracted me at all.....' he smirked 'and I'm missing your distraction actually- Come' he waved his hand to proceed me into coming over

I bought all my stuff over towards to where he sat as I plopped myself in the chair next to him. Still not knowing what else to say to him, I bought my eyes back to the sheet of paper I was reading as I could still feel his presence on me.

'Yes Carter...' I looked, seeing how fascinated he was with me

'Something is wrong with you and I know that even though work has caught up with the both of us, I can tell when my girlfriend is upset'

What is the point of keeping this whole kissing thing a secret, it's been eating me inside and I can't have this small issue have a negative side of my relationship.

'Don't get mad at me when I tell you this....'

'You didn't cheat on me with a girl, did you?' I wanted to slap the white of this man

The fucking nerve....

'Am I Carmen to you?' I rolled my eyes

'Then what is it then?' He asked

'You remember when Hakeem wanted to talk to me before we left?....' he nodded his head '.....yeah Hakeem decided to kiss me, taking me of guard. He must've been rambling on about he had something to tell me earlier and he wouldn't tell me and he cut me off with a kiss. I was really confused and I ended up pushing him away. Like why would he do that, he could've messed up my friendship with him....'

'Did it.....?' Carter asked as I stopped and looked at him carefully

'What?' I asked him narrowing my brows

'Did the kiss ruin your friendship or not?'

'Well I don't know, I ran off before he could say anything else' I explained 'it all makes sense now because the first time I met him he was telling me how much he felt like he was in love with me and even T was thinking that he did but I didn't look into it that much....'

'Say if he did have feelings for you, would you feel the same?' He asked me

'No Carter- why would I feel the same?'

'You were acting off with me, from the moment you came back in the car-'

'Okay I was acting off because I didn't like the fact that the love of my life was right beside me and somebody else close to me decided to kiss me and you didn't know- what girlfriend would I be if I kept that away from you. If we claim we both love each other, we should be able to trust each other- shouldn't we?' I explained, becoming slightly agitated

'Do you think I would really cheat on you Carter?' I asked him

'Kylie you know in the past-'

'Fuck the past!' I cut him off 'just because you got cheated on once, that don't mean the next girl you fall in love with is going to cheat...'

'Do you even trust me Carter, because at this point you're acting like I'm going to a Carmen 2.0'

'Can you shut your fucking mouth about my ex!.....chertovski ad.....' he shut me up automatically (Fucking hell)

'Okay then.....' was all I said as I moved myself away from him silently

Now y'all be nice to Kylie now😂😂😂😂

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