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Kylie ~

'I rather this type of environment than at the Law firm' we both walked into the cafe, finding seats 'I don't need Carter in my business' I laughed nervously, pushing back a strand of hair behind my ear

'So I've got some results-' I got straight to it 'two people actually ended up contracting the disease, but it was more like a pass- the- parcel effect that happened between the three of you' I told her

'One of the men happened to be Daniel Marshall- he was the first person you was involved with before involving with Michael Blackson- right?' She nodded her head Yes 'alright then.......'

'So Daniel was the one that gave the STD to me, making me pass it to Michael?' She asked

'Yes, but none of it was intentional on his part' I said 'when I went to go and get Daniel tested and wanted to inform me that he already had it before taking the test. I asked him if he knew he had it back then when he was involved with you and he said he didn't think of it that much as the conditions were mild for him. It was then after you two had intercourse, he knew something wasn't right so he got checked up'

'So he had sex with me with symptoms he thought wasn't important?' Chloe asked with a look of disbelief

'I know- he shouldn't have done that because he could've passed that down to other girls before you- that's if he's very active though' I said to her

'And for Michael- I must've ended up giving it to him as well' she knew right before I could tell her

'Yes- Umm Chloe did you know you were coming up with symptoms before you had sex with Michael?' I asked her

'No, I was all fine' she said 'it was when I started feeling down there after Cameron raped me- I thought he gave it to me' she said that made me cock my head back

Starting to look at it, this is really starting to confuse me. I'm just thinking of the time this took place with Chloe which was back in January. She gave me four contacts and only two got it. So the first two she was involved with didn't get it- right?........so the last two did. Daniel must've been the third contact and gave it to her, then Michael was the forth and she gave it to him- but how the hell does Cameron rape her last and he doesn't have any signs of an STD- he even got several tests done (That's what Carter says) and he came back negative. Shit is not adding up!

'Chloe let me ask you one question, when did all these events take place because everything just seems like I mess for me in my head' I was trying to figure out what went down properly

That case was not solved properly at all.

'What do you mean?' She was confused 'I slept with Daniel first, passing the disease to me, making me give it to Michael' she said

'And then with Cameron after he raped you and you accused him of giving you the STD' I finished

'I thought he did, but it wasn't him'

'No it wasn't him, his test came back negative too many times- are you sure the dates didn't get mixed up or anything?' I asked

The whole thing does not make sense!

'They can't be mixed up, I know what happened!' She started to get a little bit defensive

'I know that- I'm not saying that those events did not take place, but it's slowly starting not to make sense now'


'MY HEAD FUCKING HURTS!' I came back with frustration into Carter's office room

'What happened?' He asked giving me his undivided attention when I landed myself in a chair next to him

'Chloe- something ain't right.........' I said scratching my head 'The dates are differently mixed up'

'What about the dates that are mixed up?' He asked

'Did you not think that when you were finding out information, things were off?' I asked him 'like I must've got her results in who and how the STD was passed, but how the hell does she get involved sexually with the two people before Cameron and they got STDs but not Cameron- that sounds of to you, don't it?'

'I did know something was off, but you're not going the extra lengths to look in her sexual past- I might have to re-open up the case' he said

'I don't think you have to re-open up the case because we did find out everything we needed to know- maybe just ask her when these particular dates happened' I shrugged my shoulders 'we don't need to go through all of that'

And I thought this chapter was a lot longer but hey, I hope you enjoy it😊

Remember if there are any DeVante Swing fans reading this, I have a book called fallin 4 u (yeah yeah, some of you might've read before), but I've come out with a new one and it's completely different so don't think it's the same thing you're reading.

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