Chapter 2 - Lo and Behold

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Adeline's POV

It was the perfect weather to arrive back home, nothing but clear blue skies above me and the wind in my hair to help build up my excitement further. I basked beneath the warm sun as I look out from the bow of the ship. I couldn't help but wonder how my old friends are doing.

I mean it has been five long years since I've had contact with most of them, and a part of me feels slightly guilty of losing touch. Could I've called more? Send some letters here and there? I guess I'm a bit insecure about going home again, being famous and all, what if they see me differently? Will they still see me as their friend or some big shot celebrity showing off her fame and success?

Felice turns to me as if she already knew I'd feel uneasy before I even knew I would, and gave me a reassuring smile. Even without words, I knew she was telling me that everything's going to be alright, and I believe her. I never like to boast or brag about my success, and she knows that. Out of anyone and everyone here on earth, Felice knows and understands me even more than I do myself. I guess I'll have to see for myself.

"Well, we better make our way back to our cabin for our things," I said as I started walking along the bow of the cruise. Felice agreed and started walking beside me.


Once we arrived at Hulbury's port, I decided to let Spitfire out of his pokéball too, because I knew how much it meant to him being back home. The three of us have so many beautiful memories together; we practically grew up together, now here we are about to set foot at our home region. Generously I insisted on leaving the ship last so that everyone can peacefully disembark without being harassed by the media outside.

The three of us walk towards the exit, and lo and behold the cameras start flashing, and a crowd of people started cheering. "It's her!" they squealed "The Crown Jewel has returned!" one said, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy to be finally home.

Spitfire and Felice waved at the crowd and happily walked down the steps behind me. Spitfire was overly excited and energetic, as expected, and Felice remained calm and elegant as always. I walk down to the bottom of the steps only to be surrounded by paparazzi and reporters, all eager to get the scoop of their Crown Jewel.

"Miss Adeline, how does it feel to be back home after so many years?"

"Adeline, how long is your vacation here in Galar?"

"Will you be performing again soon?"

"How does it feel to be the first Kalos Queen to win a Grand Festival?"

"Are you still single?" Wait, what-

"Which do you prefer: showcases or contests?"

"Do you miss being Kalos Queen?"

"Have you ever considered early retirement?"

"Are you still single?" The heck, didn't someone ask that already?

I'm being flooded with all sorts of questions, and I couldn't even speak since everyone is practically yelling at my poor ears, and I swear to Arceus they're ringing at this point.

I gathered all my strength to make this long-awaited and TOTALLY unscripted announcement "Please everyone! Yes, I am happy and humbled to be back home, and I am incredibly flattered at the attention and continuous support of my fans. But alas, I wish to spend the next couple of weeks peacefully with my family and friends. I sincerely request that you see me not as just 'Adeline The Illusionist' or 'The Crown Jewel of Galar', but as a fellow humble Galarian walking alongside you. Again thank you for spending your precious time witnessing my arrival, and I wish you all a good day!" Nailed it. People applaud as I concluded, and unfortunately, my ears are still ringing. I then proceeded to sign some autographs and take selfies as I make my way further into Hulbury.

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