Chapter 4 - The Adeline Squad

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A/N: Salutations! I hope everyone's liking the story so far. As every Pokémon fan know, pokémon are incapable of human speech (except for Team Rocket's Meowth and most legendary and mythical pokémon in the movies for some reason). In this story, pokémon talk in their own 'language' in which humans cannot understand. So when there is pokémon dialogue, humans don't know what they are saying and they only hear pokémon noises. I hope this makes sense.

This is a filler chapter, introducing Adeline's team, their personalities and provide a general perspective on how they interact.

Lastly, I've decided to post drawings later and publish the chapters first, so I won't be posting chapters with complete drawings and instead post them later when I have the time to finish them. Because it is much easier to write a chapter than to draw and complete a full-on art piece, so please bear with me hehe


Felice's POV

I came out of my luxury ball after sensing Adeline's presence fading away. Due to my psychic powers, I am bound to my trainer in ways words alone are merely not sufficient enough to explain. To put into perspective, I can sense her emotions and thoughts, which makes me her most trusted confidant.

I perfectly knew where she ran off to, and I knew she was capable of looking out for herself. Then I saw a figure run into the Slumbering Weald shortly after Adeline, I would've followed whoever ran after Adeline if I knew they would mean trouble. However, at that instant, I knew it was Leon, and I felt relieved.

It was quite cloudy tonight, the only concern I have left was how dark it was out there. A few moments ago, there was light shining from above, but now the clouds fully engulfed the nightsky, blocking the moon. Honestly, I wasn't worried about Adeline at all, knowing she's fully able of navigating through almost anything. It's Leon I'm concerned about, and his lousy sense of direction.

Using my psychic powers, I teleported to the roof of the house. I closed my eyes and breathed in a few deep breaths, concentrating my energy toward one goal, it's how I control the flow of my powers. I focused on the clouds blocking the moon and used Psychic to diverge and disperse the clouds, allowing moonlight to hit the Slumbering Weald.

"At least now they'll be able to SEE each other," I thought, and teleported back into Adeline's room and returned in my luxury ball.


A few days have passed since we arrived and it was the day we (the Adeline squad) will be moving into one of Adeline's flats in Hammerlocke. The rest of the squad and I are helping Adeline's Mum tend to her beautiful garden. At the same time, Adeline was out on errands, she mentioned something about final preparations for the big surprise before vigorously bursting out the door.

"Do you guys have any idea what Adeline's been up to recently?" Aphrodite asked curiously while watering the rosebushes. Aphrodite is the motherly one of the bunch, always keeping us in check and making sure we don't get into too much trouble.

The Chandelure then replied, "Haven't the faintest clue, she seems to be working on something though, you reckon she's keeping secrets from us?". Shadowflame is one mischievous pokémon, and, unfortunately for us, loves puns. She's quite the chatterbox and finds joy in bringing misery to those around her.

"Don't be ridiculous Shadow" Scarlet the Scizor answered in an annoyed tone. Scarlet is the hothead of the group, she may have a fierce temper but her warrior spirit is as fiery as her rage in battle. If Adeline hadn't given Cinderace the nickname Spitfire, I bet it would be Scarlet's name now.

Shadowflame floated behind Scarlet in an attempt to tease her "Well you never know, why else would she leave without notice? What if she abandons us here to live in the countryside, and goes into hiding never to be found again", Shadowflame kept inching closer and closer to Scarlet as she rambles.

Scarlet unsurprisingly starts getting annoyed "If you move any closer, I swear I'll make sure YOU"LL never be found again."

"Goodness was that a threat I hear? well good luck with that, I'm already a ghost-type pokémon if that's what you're implying" She giggled at her own remark

"Why you-"

"What do you think Sobek" Shadowflame quickly made her escape to Sobek's side "Think Adeline's sick of us yet?"

She looked at the Hydreigon, and all he did was a grunt in response. Poor Sobek can't speak, it's because of his tragic past that resulted in losing his ability to talk. Even though he's the most intimidating looking one of us, he's a gentle giant with a soft spot for Aphrodite which I personally think is adorable.

"Now now Shadowflame, instead of speculating have a little faith on our dear Mistress, we all know she would never do such a thing" Spitfire jumped in. He's the dashing and charming one, always up for adventure making him somewhat impulsive. "Shall we ask what our own Lady Felice thinks?" He looked at me, expecting a response.

Then there's me, I'm a bit of a diva but not the snobbish kind. People would describe me as calm and elegant which I most certainly am. "She just had to run errands for the big surprise later today, I believe it has something to do with Y/N and Hop."

"Oh, how exciting! I hope she brings back treats" Aphrodite cheerfully added, catching Adeline's Mum's attention.

"Well, you seem to be in a good mood, love." She approached Aphrodite and stroked her cheek

"Indeed, I am thanks to your wonderful garden!" she said. Still, all Mum heard was probably bork bork or whatever the humans hear when Primarina speak.

"Oh better check the biscuits I have going on in the oven, I'll get right back at ya lovelies", She rushed inside the house, like-Mother-like-Daughter.

Just then, Adeline came into sight waving across the distance, and we waved back. The gang decided to head inside for Mum's delicious biscuits while I stayed outside cleaning up the gardening tools.

Adeline reached the front gate and noticed the newly tended garden.

"Wow, kudos to you guys for doing a splendid job here" she commented, "I hope I'm not late for elevenses".

"Nah, they've literally just started" I replied via telepathy. One of the pros of being a psychic-type pokémon is that I can use my mind to communicate mentally, so I mostly talk to Adeline this way.

She brushed past me and crossed over her arm around mine "Well come on then, those biscuits ain't gonna eat themselves" she insisted pulling me by the arm.

"We wouldn't want to miss Leon's exhibition match on the telly."

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