Chapter 10 - House Tour

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Felice's Note: Salutations humans. I'm currently using my psychic powers to break the fourth wall and speak to you all. I'd like to mention a little bit of trivia to add to the story since my trainer is too modest to brag about her achievements and material possessions; I shall speak in her stead.

1. She owns the apartment building we live in at Hammerlocke.
2. She's converted some floors for us (pokémon), like the pokémon area for the group to stay in rather than our poké balls, and the practice room where we rehearse our acts.
3. The pokémon area is explicitly customised for each of Adeline's pokemon, and we all get our own distinctive space.
4. Each floor has different warp tiles to get in-between levels. We still have an elevator and stairs, but we prefer to warp.

Well, that's enough from me for now, enjoy the rest of the story!

3rd POV

As twilight falls and its radiant light shines through the enormous windows of the penthouse, Adeline and the rest of her team finally managed to unpack the last set of boxes they brought over from Postwick. They all met at the modular sofa in the living room where they sat and sighed, relieved to be done finally.

After a couple of minutes of relaxation, Adeline sprang up "Alright! Who's ready for dinner?" The Adeline squad excitedly cheered and quickly rushed to the kitchen area. Adeline laughed at how silly her pokemon can be at times like these; she then proceeded to prepare their dinner.

Once everyone finished their food, they all took shelter in their respective poké balls and called it a night. Adeline, on the other hand, was expecting a call from Y/N. She was eager to find out how their first day as an official trainer went.

Shortly after the Slumbering Weald incident, Adeline had to return to their house at Postwick because the movers arrived earlier than expected. Y/N promised to call her later that day. Suddenly her phone rang, she looked at the screen to see Y/N's name and finally answered the call.

"Hey scrap," Adeline jokingly said "So how was your first day?"

"Hey, sis! Yea it's been fantastic! I reckon me and (Y/N's Starter) are growing closer by the second." Y/N responded in a highly enthusiastic tone.

"That's lovely. Remember, strengthening your bonds with your pokémon is just as important as training them physically."

"I know that. By the way, Leon endorsed both of us today!"

"Really? So soon? And by both, did you mean you and Hop?"

"That's right! But it wasn't easy though, we had to convince him to endorse us so Hop and I battled it out. And I WON!"

"Ok settle down scrap, I'm happy for you. So that means I'll see you tomorrow at the Opening Ceremony. Don't be late."

"I won't promise! I'm currently staying at the Budew Drop Inn in Motostoke. Anyways it's getting pretty late. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Alright. See you!" After saying their goodbyes, they both hang up the phone.

Adeline let out a smile for her little brother/sister. As she goes through her nightly routine, her thoughts circled Leon. The young lady was not wholly aware of the duties and responsibilities of being a regional Champion, but she knew that Leon had never endorsed two trainers at the same time. After speculating and brushing her teeth at the same time, she decided to leave it for tomorrow and ask him herself.

Adeline heads to her bedroom and tucks herself under her luxurious silky sheets. Just as she was about to succumb to her fatigue and sleep, the phone resting on her bedside table vibrates.

A bit groggy but curious, she sluggishly reaches out and checks her phone. It was a text message from none other than Leon himself:

"I'll pick you up around 8:00 in the morning"

"You've been warned, so be fully clothed before then"

"Good night ;)"

Adeline left out a giggle with the emoji he used at the end. It was a Leon emoji winking! She didn't know Leon emojis existed, till now.

I wonder if Adeline emojis are a thing too? She thought before drifting to sleep.

The Next Day (Adeline's POV)

It was a beautiful morning in Galar, and I've already served the pokémon their breakfast with Felice and Aphrodite's help. Currently, Felice and I are waiting for Leon to arrive, so we'd attend the Gym Challenge Opening Ceremony together.

Meanwhile, the team headed off to spend the majority of their time in the Pokémon Area located at the lower floor directly below.

Before I forgot, I quickly headed towards the warp tile that connects to the pokémon area. Once I teleported there, the pokémon seem to be having a good time being settled back home. Spitfire and Scarlet were kicking and punching away at the punching bags. Sobek was watching and listening to Aphrodite's beautiful aria, and Shadowflame was dancing around the soloist pokémon. Felice was either at the practice room rehearsing or tending to the garden at the rooftop.

"I'll be headed off soon," I announced.

The pokémon stopped what they were doing and faced my direction. "So that leave's Spitfire in charge while I'm gone." The cinderace let out a cry indicating he understood, and the rest of the group answered in agreement.

Right before I stepped back on the warp tile to return to the penthouse, I gave out one last instruction.

"Be good," I gave Shadowflame a quick stare "Especially you." I placed my foot on the tile and disappeared from the room.

Pokémon POV

"Why is she always having a go at me?" Shadowflame pouted.

"That's because you almost set the building on fire," Scarlet replied.

"Twice" Spitfire added. The pokémon laughed and proceeded to play.

Adeline's POV

After warping back to the penthouse, I returned to the table to drink the rest of my tea. As I sip my tea, I looked up the wall to check the clock; it was precisely 8:00 am and still no sign of Leon.

I wonder if he got lost again? I thought. Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoed the room, and I stood from my chair and headed to the door. As I opened the door, Leon flashed a smile and greeted me good morning.

"Morning Sunshine! Nice to see you all ready on time for once." he chuckled.

"Well, it was nice actually KNOWING you'd drop by." I retorted with a smirk. Leon then gave a defeated and awkward look.

"I'll be sure to keep you well informed from here on out. So have you had breakfast already? If not we could grab some on the way." He offered.

"It's alright. I just finished my tea. I'll just quickly grab Felice, and we'll be on our way." Just as I was about to invite him to wait inside, Felice suddenly appeared via teleporting.

"You called?" She said in her telepathic voice. Should've known she'd hear that.

"I guess we're all set," I placed my empty cup on the table near the door, I'll wash it when I get home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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