Chapter 5 - Delivery Package

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Adeline's POV

"Adeline! The match starts in thirty minutes!" Y/N's voice booms throughout the entire house eager to get their big sister's attention. Meanwhile, here I am stuffing myself with Mum's delicious butter biscuits. After spending the whole morning finalising arrangements for the big surprise later, I felt drained and relieved that everything was ready at last.

"Yup! Be right there" I picked up the tea I brewed and walked toward my room. I hoped to finish packing on time to move back to the apartment today after the big reveal, but I have a hunch I won't be able to, not tonight at least. Knowing Mum, she'd already planned a grand celebration over at Leon's place to commemorate our little siblings' milestone in their lives. While sipping away my tea, I go over my things, making sure everything was set to move. Thankfully everything was already accounted for thanks to Felice and the others.

I sat by my desk reminiscing on the day I was gifted Spitfire as my starter Pokémon, till I receive a call from Sonia.

My Rotom Phone automatically answered the call and floated near me so I can hear her "Hey Sonia, what's up?".

"H-h-hey Adeline, h-how's it go-g-going?" She asked nervously

"We literally just saw each other an hour ago" Well this can't be good, I thought.

"F-funny you should say that..." She then giggled nervously, sounding hesitant "You know h-how you wanted me t-to send the Pokémon to Leon's place at Postwick?"

Ohh, I know where this was going, "Uh-huh."

"I u-um, just checked the a-address of the package I sent the Pokémon in, and... I accidentally sent it to your address at Hammerlocke" The room was silent for about five seconds before I realised how dire the situation was.

"You what?!" I stood up quickly from my seat, "I'm sorry, Adeline! I got confused while you were talking about moving back to Hammerlocke and I guess I unconsciously wrote that down on the delivery package just before you left. Please don't kill me." She said the last part softly.

"Oh, Sonia..." I rubbed my forehead trying to concoct an emergency backup plan. I then thought I'll quickly fly to Hammerlocke to get the package before Leon comes back for the reveal. "That's fine, I'll just rush over there now and get it, but you owe me BIG time" making sure to emphasise the word 'big'. I hung up and rushed straight downstairs.

"Heading out again! Don't wait for me! Errands! Bye!" was all I could muster out as I screamed and ran out at the same time. Way to make yourself look discreet genius, now surely Y/N will be suspicious. I'll worry about them later.

Felice, I need you. Instantly she emerged "You called?"

"Yes, we have a bit of a situation, and we need to go to Hammerlocke. NOW" I frantically explained.

Felice blinked out of confusion and quickly composed herself "Understood, I'll take us to the closest Flying Taxi", and in a blink of an eye, we did... literally we did, because Felice teleported us there.

I rushed to the Cabbie waiting beside the Corviknight and told him to take us to Hammerlocke. Both of us got in the cubicle-shaped taxi and off we went. Once we were in the air, I was able to calm down and process what's happening. I was running off on adrenaline, and at that point, it was wearing off a bit. I decided to text Y/N and at least give them a proper explanation, without spoiling the big surprise, of course.

"Sorry I left in a hurry, just running a few more errands for the move. I don't think I'll make it for Leon's match but don't worry, I'll watch it on my phone and you can fangirl/fanboy about it when I get home. XOXO", might as well throw in a heart emoji too. Once I sent the text, I let out a heavy sigh and rested my head on the chair.

Felice held my hand and looked me straight in the eyes "Breathe woman", emphasising the first word.

"I have been breathing this whole time, in case you haven't noticed" I sassed.

"Honey that wasn't breathing that was hyperventilating" I shot up and sat straight, I was about to say something back but couldn't think of a good comeback.

"It's the same thing," I said softly and pouted, I looked out the window leaning my elbow on the side door and rested my chin on my hand. Damn it.

"So will you let him know?" Felice asked.

"I can't let him know just before his exhibition match, it might throw him off, or worse, PISS him off."

"Fine by me, but don't blame me if things get out of hand."

"Things are already out of hand, it's not like it can get any wor-" Felice swiftly placed her finger on my lips, refraining me from finishing my sentence.

"Don't jinx it" she whispered, I couldn't help but agree with her. Coincidently, my phone started ringing, when it flew out of my pocket, the Rotom inside was saying it's Leon calling. Speak of the devil, my luck keeps draining down the toilet as we speak.

I hesitated at first making a split-second decision of whether I should tell him the truth or not. In my heart, I knew it was the right thing to do, but I'm Adeline for Arceus sake! What would Leon think of me screwing up a simple package delivery, it's too humiliating and embarrassing to admit. Would he treat me differently, think I'm unreliable and useless. And besides, his match is literally about to start any minute from now. Why on Pokéarth would he be calling now?

The phone rang a couple more times till I finally uttered the courage to answer.

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