Chapter 8 - The Big Surprise (Finally)

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A/N: Hi again, everyone! How's it going? So I have some unfortunate news... I won't be able to draw illustrations for the story as of now. Worst case scenario I'll have to finish the entire book before I could draw snippets from each chapter. But hey! At least you guys will still get a kick-ass story (That is.. if you think it is). That's all for now, happy reading!

3rd POV

The air was tense as Adeline scowls as she gives Leon a death glare. After that embarrassing and awkward situation a couple of minutes ago, Leon attempts to avoid eye contact as much as possible. It's as if she's using the move 'Scary Face' on him yet with the effects of 'Mean Look' because he couldn't escape, Leon thought. Adeline had already changed into her signature casual/travelling outfit.

"So what brings you here? UN-invited" Adeline asked harshly, still glaring at the poor Champion.

"I came here to surprise you at your apartment" he chuckled nervously.

"Well, you CERTAINLY did" Adeline replied while rubbing her temples, blushing slightly recalling the event.

Leon slightly blushes as well, "In my defence! Felice teleported us here. So that technically counts as an invite".

Adeline appreciated the thought of Leon's gesture. Still, she was too upset at the moment to admit it, "I thought we agreed to meet at the station".

"Well technically I said I'll meet you at Hammerlocke, and your apartment is technically in Hammerlocke..." Adeline quickly pulled out her rotom phone to check his claim, and he was right.

"And I never said that I would meet you at the station so that technically means you misinterpreted what I said." Leon clarified.

"Don't you start blaming me for this! You're still at fault for scaring the living daylights out of me!" Adeline retorted.

"But technically-"

"I swear if you say 'technically' again, I will literally kick you out" Adeline threatened.

"Yes Ma'am" Leon surrendering his innocence (Not like that ya nasties!).

Leon apologised a few times after that then decided it's about time to head back. "Do you mind if I change quickly before heading off?"

"Two doors to the left" Adeline sighed.

~~~~~ A few minutes later ~~~~~

Leon emerged from the corridor in his gym uniform and his signature cape. He untied his long hair and wore his favourite cap. Adeline was curious as to why he would want to come here undetected and leave knowing he'll be flocked with fans soon as he hits the streets in that outfit.

"Why are you wearing your uniform? I thought you wanted to be discreet?" Adeline questioned him.

Leon had to quickly think of an excuse for the fact that he just wants to be seen with Adeline "Haha well I want to leave a good impression for your Lil bro/sis since this will be the first time I'll meet them." He laughed nervously.

"Weirdo" she knew he was lying because he just can't do it properly, but she decided to let it slide, thinking it's not that important.

"I have a proposition!" Leon declares "We are not going to get a quick snack!" she replied rather quickly.

Leon rolled his eyes "I meant we should just walk to the station, considering we still have loads of time before the big surprise" he then turns to the shiny gardevoir "And no offence Felice, but I don't think I'll ever get used to teleporting".

Felice looked to her trainer and said something only she could understand. "She said none taken" Adeline answered.

Felice looked at her trainer in confusion "But that wasn't what I-"Adeline quietly cut her off "Just let it go". Adeline packed the starters in her bag and Leon decided to let out his Charizard; they all proceeded to leave Adeline's apartment.

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