Chapter 3 - "Bestest" Friend

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Adeline's POV

The night was calm and serene with nothing but nature's melody lightly filling the space around us. I stood in the middle of a small meadow that surrounds the treehouse. The moon was at its peak, and its radiant light shines through the forest at the very moment Leon stepped out.

It was like Tornadus itself decided to lightly blow the clouds away for dramatic effect. I giggled under my breath at the thought of Leon striking a deal with the Cyclone Pokémon to make his grand entrances more dynamic, boy did he LOVE to make those.

"You'd think after all this time, you could at least make your way around these parts" I playfully teased as I take a good look at my longest friend.

Time certainly took its toll on you, I thought as I analysed his physical features, he definitely looks more matured and relaxed, it's the puberty, but that shouldn't be surprising since it has been ten years, but maybe it is just the puberty. But despite his broad physique and cheerful spirit, he still has the same innocent and endearing eyes as well as his charismatic smile that captures the hearts of Galar, and could even cure pokérus, yea it's definitely the puberty.

He slowly made his way towards me, trying to avoid trampling on the delicate flowers. One of the many things I love about this place is the precious flowers that grow here. It's home to some of the most endangered plants in Galar: The meadow clary, the twinflower, and my personal favourite, the spreading bellflower.

"I like to build up the suspense" He walks right up to me "I knew you'd be curious as to where I was when I didn't show up at Hulbury" which was true.

"A little pidove told me that you had an audience with Chairman Rose, it couldn't be helped" I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed. Still, I understood nonetheless "considering the Gym Challenge being just around the corner".

"Ahh so you have figured it out, little miss detective" He smirked.

"I have my ways" I retorted "But what I haven't figured out yet, you couldn't have possibly spent the entire day with Rose just talking about the Gym Challenge, where were you after that?"

"So I have piqued your interest, curious as always I see" I rolled my eyes at the statement.

He proceeded to walk towards the treehouse "I had to make arrangements with Professor Magnolia about the big surprise, and by the time I finished, it seemed the party at home was over" He sat at the roots of the mighty tree. He leaned on its trunk, I did the same.

"So I did the next best thing, I figured you wouldn't let your first day home pass without coming out here."

He then turned to look at me "Even THE great Illusionist can be predictable" and shot me a wink.

"Oh please, it's just one of your perks for knowing me all too well. It's kinda creepy actually" It was nice to engage in playful banter with Leon again, I've always felt at ease when we're together.

"A performer never reveals her secrets."

"Not even to me? Your BESTEST friend in the whole wide Pokéarth" He said in an earnest voice and pouted.

"Firstly, 'bestest' isn't even a real word; secondly, I've grown immune to your pouty nonsense, and lastly, ESPECIALLY not you."

We laughed and silently enjoyed nature's song as we stargazed. It seems like we were kids again reliving one of our fondest memories. During our travels when we couldn't take shelter in a nearby town or city, we'd have to camp out, and every night we'd look up at the stars and makeup constellations with funny names. I'm thankful that despite all the time we spent apart, our friendship remains as strong as it is.

Leon decided to break the silence "So what are your plans here? Will you be staying throughout the whole Gym Challenge?"

"I'm still undecided, I have officially announced that I'll be on hiatus for a couple of weeks, but I haven't really decided on what I wanted to do besides come home" I admitted.

"Hmm, you could travel around Galar again, see what's changed," He suggested, "I have made quite the reputation since you left."

"I'm sure you did, Sir Leon The Uncoordinated" I teased "And by the way, we have to have a proper battle one of these days."

"I'm looking forward to it, Miss Adeline The Fickle."

I lightly slapped his arm "I am not that fickle!"

"Oh, but you are! I'm sure if Felice and Spitfire were here, they would certainly agree" He laughed "Anyway if it's no trouble. I know you're trying to avoid the spotlight for now-," He stood up with his back facing me, I paused and stared up to him waiting for him to speak, he turned around and reached out his hand to me "Adele, would you do me the honour of accompanying me at the Gym Challenge Opening Ceremony next weekend? You know for old time sake."

I briefly looked at his hand and looked back at him, how could I say no to those gorgeous golden eyes?

I reached out my hand in return and held his, allowing him to pull me up from sitting.

"I'd be delighted" I smiled and pinched his cheek "For old time sake," I thought it would be an excellent way to catch up with him and my other friends at the Opening Ceremony.

I noticed how late it's gotten and decided to call it a night, for real this time. "I suppose we should get back now."

"Yea, I gotta head back out there at first light. You know, cuz not every hotshot here is on vacay" He joked as we made our way back home "But I'll be back for the big surprise."

"Sure thing" I replied

We talked a bit on the way home about the most random things, and no conversation of ours is complete without one of us teasing the other.

When we reached home, it was way past midnight, and I slightly felt guilty for keeping him up this late considering he had to leave in the morning.

We reached my doorstep and gave one last goodbye "You sure you don't need me to walk you ALL THE WAY home, hotshot?" I said in a condescending tone.

"Nah no need, I'm pretty sure even I can manage to get from your house to mine, at least."

"Well, then I'll see ya on the big day then" I turned the doorknob and slowly turned the door open.

"Yea, till we meet again Adeline The Sassy" Leon made his way further away from the door by walking backwards.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his childish gesture "Whatever you say Leon The Fool, G'night" and I managed to catch a glimpse of his smile before closing the door.

In The Eye of The Beholder (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now