Chapter 7 - Unintentionally Staring

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A/N: Hello, my beautiful readers! I know I'm not very active in posting chapters, but I promise I'm doing my best. I've updated Adeline's profile chapter (the very first chapter of this book) with a full-body drawing of Adeline's performer and casual outfit so feel free to have a look at that. In this chapter, I'm introducing 2 other OCs of mine named Maya and Jasper, their profiles are attached below:

 In this chapter, I'm introducing 2 other OCs of mine named Maya and Jasper, their profiles are attached below:

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Noticed I've changed their age with a red pen? Good observation! I did this, so it fits in with the story

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Noticed I've changed their age with a red pen? Good observation! I did this, so it fits in with the story. I hope you all enjoy these characters as much as I do because they play significant side character roles to Adeline and Leon throughout the story.

If you're interested in my other OCs (I have A LOT), check out my Instagram @shadow.flame where I post my art and other OC profiles.

One last update is that I'm currently drawing a new cover photo for the book (YAY!) so stay tuned for that. Happy reading!

Leon's POV

After the match, I had to sneak out of the stadium. The challenge was to avoid all the reporters and fans waiting around the stadium, without getting caught leaving. Honestly, I wasn't disappointed when Sonia sent the starters to Adeline's apartment, in fact, I was a little thrilled when she told me about it. Now I had an excuse to see her sooner, and I wasn't going to waste that opportunity.

I headed over to the locker room and changed into some casual clothes and tied my hair back. I packed my gym uniform in my bag and out the back door. Luckily I evaded most of the people as I left the stadium, once I got out, I pulled out my sunglasses. I proceeded to find the closest Flying Taxi.

~~~~~ One Flying Taxi ride later ~~~~~

It's been a while since I was last here, once I landed in Hammerlocke a specific memory flashed in my mind. I remembered when I first visited this place, I was admiring the unique architecture when Adeline suddenly grabbed my arm and ran, pulling me along with her. She dragged me to an exquisite and humble-looking dessert shop that specialised in making macarons, that was when I discovered my best friend's favourite food.

Ever since then, we would visit the shop every fortnight for a nibble, mainly to satisfy Adeline's addiction. I decided to visit the shop to buy some for her. I walked through the streets of Hammerlocke, doing my best not to draw attention to myself till I reached the shop.

In The Eye of The Beholder (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now