Chapter 6 - Clash of the Champions

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3rd POV 

After much hesitation, Adeline decided to answer Leon's call.

"Hey, Leon!" Adeline asked nervously "Aren't you literally about to start your match?"

"Hey! Yea actually, I'm waiting in the locker room for my cue." Loud cheering could be heard in the background.

Adeline chuckled. "I can hear your adoring fans from here, seriously they should put up soundproof walls or something." She had to gesture her Rotom phone to lower the volume due to the constant cheering.

"Actually I quite like it, always gets me pumped up for a battle." Leon paused "Anyway, I just wanted to check in on the starters, are they with you now?"

Adeline hesitantly opened her mouth before refraining herself to speak. She felt ashamed for fearing rejection, it was something she never learned how to cope with because she was rarely exposed to it.

Ever since she began her journey, Adeline was a natural prodigy. She loved to watch pokémon contests and showcases as young as the age of three and would often pretend to be in them. Throughout her career, she was adored by all walks of life and never lost a contest or showcase. She had to uphold a reputation, a prime example of perfection. Though she loved bringing joy and smiles among the people, she always felt the burden of having to be flawless 24/7.

As thoughts quickly run through her mind. Adeline felt a familiar touch on her hand, which soothed her feelings and cleared her mind. It was Felice.

She sensed her distraught and wrapped her hands around hers. Looking at her trainer with reassurance, which calmed her mind as well as her heart.

After a few moments of silence, Adeline spoke. "Not exactly..."

~~~~~ One brief and humiliating explanation later ~~~~~

"So that's the story there." Adeline let out a huge sigh as she anxiously awaits for the Champion's response.

"Oh, is that it?" He said causing Adeline to blink out of confusion "Well then I'll just meet you at Hammerlocke once you retrieve them!" Leon calmly replied.

She couldn't believe how happy he sounded saying that, excited in fact. "Wait, so you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? It wasn't your fault the pokémon are being sent to the wrong place," Leon emphasised. "Besides you're already on your way, so there's still plenty of time before the big surprise."

Then an announcement was heard in the background for Leon. "I guess that's my cue."

"I guess I could wish you luck but, I don't think you'll ever need it" Adeline teased.

"I suppose..." Leon pouted. "But it would be nice to hear it from your lips again," he added with his low and raspy voice. "For old times sake." Adeline lightly blushed.

Adeline inhaled a shaky breath and exhaled nervously, trying to hide her flustered voice. "You'll be fine. I'll see you later then."

"Till we meet again, Lady Adele." he hung up the phone.

Adeline stared at nothing for a couple of seconds, still recovering from Leon's ridiculous comment. The more she thought of it, the pinker the hue of her cheeks grew. She turned to Felice, who happened to be smirking at her trainer.

"Not a word from you," she grunted while setting up her Rotom phone to watch her best friend's live stream match.

~~~~~ At Wyndon Stadium ~~~~~

It was a sunny day, and harsh sunlight fills the stadium as the commentator announces the entrance of the champions. "Ladies and gentlemen! It is my greatest pleasure and a great honour to introduce Galar's own Undefeated Champion, Leon!"

In The Eye of The Beholder (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now