Sweet mistakes

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Magnus knocked on the apartment door just a few blocks from his own, staring down at his phone, checking if the address Alec sent him was matching the one on the door and the street outside. He felt...nervous, for some reason. He usually felt confident, because he knew exactly what was going to happen. Because he knew what he wanted. Now he wasn't so sure. He pulled his jacket closer to himself. It had been windy outside, looked like it was going to rain. He just hoped that when he returned home, it wouldn't be pouring. Or maybe he wouldn't be returning home today. Maybe, he will be leaving this apartment tomorrow morning. Magnus hoped that would be the case.

He heard fumbling behind the door and then Alec opened it. He was wearing a black T-shirt and grey sweatpants, he was barefoot. And he had a smile on, which was definitely making Magnus' insides melt away. He gestured for Magnus to come in. He did, taking off his jacket while passing him and left it over the couch in the living room he had just stepped into. Magnus was wearing he's most casual dark jeans, but he couldn't resist putting on a dark purple glittering shirt and painting his nails black. As always, he's make up was on point, and Magnus was very proud of it. 

The apartment was small, much smaller than Magnus' loft, but it was homely. A small archway led to the kitchen and on the left there were two doors. Bathroom and the bedroom, Magnus thought. Alec spoke behind him, while he gazed around "It's not much. But make yourself at home." Magnus turned and smiled at him sweetly, saying "I love it. It's adorable. I'm guessing Izzy decorated?" Alec grinned at Magnus and the fact that he had used Isabelle's nickname. He replied "Yep. If it were me, the walls would be all black." Magnus shook his head, mumbling "Of course." The couch was beige and had black and dark red pillows on it, big enough for three people. The flat screen was on a small white table. The room was well decorated, there were paintings and plants and in one corner there was a wooden bookshelf. Magnus noticed a copy of Lord of The Rings, one of his favourite books. Magnus smiled to himself - so Alec had a nerdy side?

Alec gestured him towards the couch and the TV and then asked "Do you want anything to drink? A beer?" Magnus nodded and Alec disappeared into the kitchen. Magnus looked at the beige walls in the living room and wondered what Alec's bedroom looked like. He wouldn't have minded if the walls there would have been black. Alec had a dark persona, a very mysterious and sexy one. But he was also very sweet when he wanted to. Alec came back and handed Magnus the beer, and then plopped down next to him, not too close, but close enough.

Magnus shifted a little, took a sip and then said "So. What are we doing?" Alec smiled and said "Sitting and drinking beer." Magnus rolled his eyes and said "Thanks, Sherlock, couldn't have figured that one out myself." Alec laughed a little and said "If you think as in 'what are we doing about this thing that we have' than I think we have to stop talking and I can show you. But if you mean as in 'what are we and what is this relationship' than I have no answer." Alec sipped his beer again, when he finished, his blue eyes landing on Magnus' lips and he was wearing his smirk again. 

Magnus felt very hot all of a sudden. He set his bottle down on the table and then said quietly "Why don't we just-" but he's suggestion was cut short when Alec set his bottle down as well and leaned into him, touching their lips together and slightly pushing him back, so Magnus was no almost on his back, if he hadn't supported himself with his arm. Alec's lips were so soft and sweet, Magnus couldn't resist a moan when Alec's tongue swept over his bottom lip. Alec smiled into the kiss and Magnus whispered "Well, or we could to this." Alec smirked and kissed him again deeply, letting his hands roam over Magnus' biceps and then under his shirt, removing it with one swoop. Magnus sighed when Alec's lips made it to his throat, tracing kisses and sucking at the skin.

Light smut warning, not too graphic but still :)

He pushed himself up and Alec down suddenly, so now Alec was fully lying on his back on the sofa. Magnus smirked and asked "Do you want to move this to the bedroom?" Alec smirked and said "I'm good." His voice was husky and Magnus loved it. He raised an eyebrow but Alec pulled him down to him, kissing him again, parting only when Magnus took off Alec's shirt. He gazed in amazement the tattoos before him. But he had little time to admire them because Alec pulled him down. Their skin touched and Magnus felt like it was on fire. He panted when they broke apart and his hands went down to Alec's waistband. He raised an eyebrow again, but Alec just smiled and nodded expectantly. Magnus removed his pants, along with his boxers. Alec sighed at this. He reached down to remove Magnus' pants as well, but Magnus stopped his hands.

This time, Alec raised his eyebrows in question. Magnus chuckled and said "Not yet, darling. Not yet. I want to make you feel good." Alec's breath got caught when Magnus went down on him in a matter of seconds. Alec felt like he could die right there. Magnus was certainly very good at what he did, because after just a few minutes, Alec couldn't hold himself back and he came, with Magnus swallowing every last drop.

He smirked when Alec breathed, eyes shining "Jesus." Magnus laughed and said "Nope, just me." Alec took a deep breath and stood up and picked Magnus up very quickly, so he was straddling him. Magnus looked at him with question but Alec just said "Bedroom." Magnus was full of anticipation now and painfully hard. The bedroom wasn't black. It had walls in the dark shade of red, almost to the point of black. It was dimly lit by the street lights outside. Alec put him down on the bed, kissing him deeply. Then he pulled away and lit a night lamp, then he went to the window, still completely naked and shut the blinds. Magnus gazed at him. It was crazy how beautiful his body was. He was literally and angel from the sky.

Alec came closer and murmured close to Magnus' ear "Take them off. I want to see you." Magnus quickly complied and when he took his pants and boxers off, Alec looked at him, eyes full of lust. Magnus had dark skin, like chocolate, and Alec bent down, licking at his abs and going farther down to his V-line. Magnus moaned a little, when Alec brushed over his member. Alec smirked and then prepared himself and Magnus for what he had wanted to do for so long. Magnus winced in anticipation, it was unbearable to wait. Alec finally sank into him and Magnus bit his lip, so not to scream. It was just too good to feel him inside. 

Their bodies curled together like two puzzle pieces, perfectly matching every way and holding each other. It wasn't rough, like Alec thought it would be, he was much gentler than he had intended to be. Magnus was also surprised that Alec was so sweet to him, but he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It was perfect this way. 

When they lay panting next to each other, Magnus turned to his side and kissed Alec's jawline again, it was becoming a thing between them. Alec smiled contently. Then he looked Magnus in the eyes and asked "Should we talk about this?" Magnus thought for a moment. He knew he felt something and Alec did too. But he also felt like they didn't need words to say what it was. It was okay just the way it was right now. In the back of his mind was Isabelle's warning but he pushed it away and replied to Alec "I think we should do less talking and more of this." He kissed Alec and felt him smile into the kiss. 

Magnus did end up staying the night. And the morning. And the afternoon. His phone had dozens of messages. He didn't care. He scooted closer to Alec as they watched TV and kissed Alec's cheek, while he was falling asleep. He knew he might be making a mistake. But he'd be damned if it wasn't going to be the sweetest mistake he's ever made.

How to not mess this up #malec fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now