A mess at times.

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"Alexander! Where is my leather jacket?" Magnus shouted, shuffling around the living room and tossing his clothes around. Alec emerged from their bedroom and and looked at the chaos Magnus had created in the living room. He smirked at the sight and watched as Magnus went about the room. "I need it, it's the only one that goes with this outfit..." Magnus was mumbling, when he threw one of his shirts on the ground. "Babe, look at me for a minute." Alec said with a sweet voice. Magnus stopped and raised his gaze. Then he began to laugh, as Alec stood there, with his arms stretched out on his sides and with Magnus' jacket on. "Oh, there it is." Magnus said, after he had stopped laughing, but was still grinning like an idiot. "It suits you better anyway. I better change." Magnus said. Alec stepped closed to him and put his arm around him. "Alexander," Magnus whined "I need to change." Alec nuzzled his nose against Magnus' neck and kissed him slightly. "No, you look amazing. Just wear the blazer." Alec replied. 

Magnus wanted to protest but Alec kissed him on the lips, not for long but long enough, so that Magnus melted into it and groaned when Alec pulled back. A smile was playing on Alec's lips and his eyes were as soft as ever. "Fine." Magnus pouted "But only because you look hot in my jacket and I look outrageously great in that blazer." Alec laughed and kissed Magnus' nose. Magnus' heart fluttered and he smiled contently. It had been only a month and he found himself smiling whenever Alec did something so sweet. Well, scratch that, he was sweet all the frickin time. He had Magnus swooning on every step of the way and although Magnus knew Alec still felt guilty, he did everything in his power to make Alec forget. And they were better than ever. 

Alec put on his shoes and grabbed the car keys, while Magnus put his blazer on. He ran his hand through his glitter-covered hair and went to the door. They drove to the restaurant Clary had texted them and parked the car. Once inside, they told the waiter Clary's name and they were shown to a table. They were the last to arrive - Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle, Catarina, Ragnor, Meliorn and Raphael were all around the table already. "What took you so long?" Clary asked when she got up to hug them both. She was wearing a beautiful white dress, so her orange hair really stood out. "Magnus was complaining about his outfit." Alec replied smoothly, pulling out a chair for magnus, who took it gingerly. "So, nothing new?" Catarina asked with a smile and they all laughed. "I'll have you know, I averted a catastrophe with this one here. He would've come in sweats if it wasn't for me." Magnus scoffed. Jace announced "I would've done that, too." Clary rolled her eyes. He art exhibition had went extremely well, she had sold every painting now, and handed them to the owners - the painting of Alec was on Magnus' and Alec's apartment wall in their bedroom. Much to Alec's distress and Magnus' delight.

"Alright, let's raise our glasses to my beautiful girlfriend, whose amazing paintings will change the world" Jace said, standing up and raising his glass of champagne. Clary blushed furiously "Jace, I doubt that." But the blonde just kissed her cheek and replied "It's true." They all stood and put their glasses in the air, cheering "To Clary!" Clary beamed at them. The food arrived shortly after that. "Oh my god, this is amazing." Simon mumbled, mouth full of food. Isabelle nodded and said "I know right? Meliorn told me about this place and I told Clary." Meliorn smiled at them and replied "My brother used to work here. We always got free food when I visited." Ragnor stated "I'd be living here 24/7, if that were the case." They laughed at this.

"So, you know how I'm leaving for California with Raph next week..." Simon started. "I still can't believe you would ditch me like that!" Clary cried. "It's not my fault Raph is a successful businessman and got offered a job there!" Simon stated but he was smiling. Raphael rolled his eyes and said "I mean, you can always stay with Clary, I can take Jace instead." Jace laughed at this and pointed his fork at Raphael "We'd kill each other in a week." Alec let out a laugh and stated "More like in a day." Ragnor and Catarina laughed while Magnus replied "I would happily go with you Raphael." Alec faked hurt and put a hand over his heart "I think you broke me." Magnus punched him in the shoulder and said "You know I'd never do that. I couldn't even sleep when you spent that one night at Jace's. It was too quiet without your little snores." Clary, Jace and Isabelle laughed and Alec replied grumpily "Hey. I don't snore." Magnus imitated snoring and the others laughed. "You know I love you." Magnus said and pecked Alec's lips, who seemed to forgive him after that.

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