Alec's texts

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Iz: Alec, I know we talked yesterday, but I still think that maybe you and Magnus should think this through...

Alec: Izzy, I told you to leave it. Please.

Iz: Okay, okayyy, fine!

Iz: What are you doing tonight? Jace just texted that he wants to go to this party where that redhaired receptionist is going.

Alec: Oh no.


The Lightwood/Herondale Power (groupchat)

Dumbass: Guys, pleaaaaaase, I really need to go to this party

ThatBitch: Why, so you could make out with that girl, what was her name? You won't remember after tonight anyways

Dumbass: Her name is Clary. Iz, you are such a bitch

SaltyandSassy: Jace. Shut your mouth when your talking to our sister (yes I know how controversial that sounds). And anyways, I have no desire to go to this party

ThatBitch: Thanks, boo, but my nickname is actually 'Bitch' here so its fine. Jace can suck it, I'm owning it.

Dumbass: You two are terrible wingmen

ThatBitch: I'm a girl.

Dumbass: so?

SaltyandSassy: Guys. I am not going. I have things to do.

Dumbass: like Magnus?

ThatBitch: ooof

SaltyandSassy: don't make me kick ur ass Jace. You can fuck all the way off

ThatBitch: ooh, touchy subject.  But I actually wanna go bro, pleaaaaase, for me?

SaltyandSassy: Izzy, no.

Dumbass: wanker

SaltyandSassy: Jace I'm warning u

ThatBitch: Guys cut this out! Alec come on, we haven't hung out in a while, please? xxx

SaltyandSassy: fine.

ThatBitch: Yaaassssssss gurl


SaltyandSassy: u r both so fuckin weird.

Dumbass: u love us

ThatBitch: what the fuck am i going to wear????

ThatBitch: ALEC what will u be wearing??? I have to come help u pick clothes

SaltyandSassy: No need Iz. Please don't make this a drama

ThatBitch: already on the subway

Dumbass: outside the Penthouse at 8. Don't be late

ThatBitch: ooo the Penthouse, love that place they got goodd music

Dumbass: and Clary. They got Clary

ThatBitch: what is up with u and this chick

Dumbass: we may have gone on a date

SaltyandSassy: no!

Dumbass: or a couple


ThatBitch: Im-

ThatBitch: Jace wtf

ThatBitch: Alec, I'm there in 5

SaltyandSassy: Yeayeah whatevs, JACE WTF??

Dumbass: get off my case will you i already regret telling you two

ThatBitch: we're your siblings. ur world. Ur LIGHT and LIFE. U have to tell us these things

Dumbass: why are u so dramatic?

SaltyandSassy: Light and life?

ThatBitch: because I can. Now stfu

ThatBitch: meet u at 8


You changed the nickname for 'Magnus Bane' to 'Magnus'

Magnus: ah, very cute nickname.

Tall, dark and handsome: sorry, I just wanted it to be...less formal. But I don't have a good nickname for you yet

Magnus: That's okay, I was only teasing. :) 

Magnus: Sooo....what you up to anyway?

Tall, dark and handsome: Um, Jace is making us go to this club...Me and Izzy. Jace wants to meet up with some chick he met that day when we were picking suits.

Magnus: Oh...well, that's...nice. have fun :)x

Tall, dark and handsome: you don't seem too sure about that

Magnus: And why wouldn't I be?

Tall, dark and handsome: I don't know. :)

Magnus: oh btw when is that gala of yours? When will you be in that gorgeous suit so you can send me a pic

Tall, dark and handsome: What makes you think I'd send you a pic? ;) But it's tmrw. Which actually reminds me

Magnus: *offended* Yes?

Tall, dark and handsome: I am allowed to bring someone. And I would have brought Iz, but...I was just thinking. If ur not busy. Maybe you'd want to come? I mean, i get pretty nervous and you calm me down...and that way there's no need for a pic :)

Magnus: hmm

Tall, dark and handsome: Magnus?

Magnus: It's just...isn't this like a relationship thing to do?

Tall, dark and handsome: ....

Magnus: I mean, not that I wouldn't want to, it's not that. Just, Alexander, you yourself said let's not make this complicated.

Tall, dark and handsome: I never used those words. But I just thought

Tall, dark and handsome: never mind

Magnus: Alexander, don't be like that. I want to go, only if you really do. I would love that.

Magnus: Alexander?

Magnus: Please tell me you are not insulted by this? Are you acting up? Cause this is extremely annoying

Tall, dark and handsome: Oh, I'm sorry for being so annoying. I guess I'll leave you be then. Bye.

Magnus: Really? That's how you're gonna do this?

Magnus: Alexander.

Magnus: for fucks sake. Fine. Just be careful and get home safe. I care about you. x

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