Did we mess this up?

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Magnus was putting on his dark blue suit and adjusting his tie when the doorbell rang. He rushed to the living room and opened the door. Catarina stepped in, beautiful in her long silver dress that sparkled when she moved. Her hair where down and flowing on her back and it all contrasted great on her dark skin. "Hey, you." she said, kissing Magnus on the cheek. Magnus smiled and said "I'll be ready in a second. Just have to do my make-up." Catarina smiled and sat on the couch. Magnus went back into the bedroom, taking his eyeliner and putting it on. The glitter today was silver, to accompany Catarina's dress. 

Clary was having an art show tonight, her first and she had invited Magnus. Magnus knew that there was a high chance of seeing Alec, but he couldn't let Clary down. She was his friend, they had gotten really close in the past month. So he said he'll go, only if he could bring a friend. Magnus didn't want to go stag, he'd just stand there awkwardly. So Clary had said yes, and Magnus invited Cat. She was more than happy to oblige and right now, she was examining her french tips on his couch while talking "So...there's a possibility that he'll be there..." Magnus rolled his eyes, emerging from the bedroom. His dark hair where in spikes but a small part of it fell down elegantly onto his forehead. "So? I mean, it can be awkward but it's not like I have to talk to him." Magnus stated, picking up his car keys. Catarina raised an eyebrow and replied "Right, cause the silent treatment is so much more natural."

Magnus waved his hand and said "Whatever. Let's get this over with." They left and Magnus drove to the small gallery that Clary's mom owned. He locked the car and took Catarina by the arm, locking their elbows. Catarina's heels clicked on the white floor when they entered the building. The wall were of different colors, depending on the art hanging from them, so there was white, black, red and even green. Magnus and Catarina looked around in awe. "Wow" Cat said. Magnus nodded and saw a small redhead rush to them. "You made it! Wow, you guys look stunning!" Clary exclaimed. Catarina blushed and Magnus hugged Clary. "You look amazing, too, biscuit." he said. Clary was wearing a black skater dress, her red locks bouncing on the exposed collarbone and back, with her black heels giving her the much needed height to not stand on her tiptoes when she hugged Magnus back. She blushed at the comment. Catarina said "Clary, this is amazing. The place, the art...it's so beautiful." Magnus nodded enthusiastically and joined in "Yeah, I mean I knew you were good but this...I might just have to buy one myself." Clary giggled and thanked them, handing them both a glass oh champagne from the nearby waiter with a tray.

"Magnus Bane. Found us, did you?" a voice called. Jace was smiling as he walked towards them with a spring in his step. His white suit went great with his blonde hair that shone under the lights. He made it to Clary, sliding a hand around her waist and kissing her cheek. Clary beamed at her. "Ah, was that supposed to be a sarcastic joke?" Magnus asked skeptically. Clary nudged Jace and he smiled and shook his head "I'm just joking. It's great to see you, man." He patted Magnus on the shoulder and Magnus managed a smile. Then he looked above their head at the crowd and saw a familiar mop of black hair. Suddenly he felt like he might panic. His breathing stopped abruptly and he said "I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me." Catarina gave him a worried glance, but Clary had looked over her shoulder, to see what Magnus had seen, and she gave him a knowing glance. "Magnus..." she tried but Magnus was already fleeing them.

He propped himself onto a white wall away from the guests, just around the corner so he wouldn't be seen. Alec was here. He was here and Magnus wasn't so sure he was ready to face him. He felt his heart ache. He downed the champagne he had in his glass and willed his breathing to go back to normal. It's just Alec. He's just a guy. A guy who stole your heart and then stomped on it. Magnus scoffed. Better to get it over with. He went back to the crowd and saw Simon standing next to Raphael. He approached them and Raphael waved at him. Enveloping him into a hug he said "Amigo! You're here." Magnus nodded at Simon who smiled at him. "It's amazing, isn't it. I mean, I knew Fray had it in her but this is incredible. And he got inspiration from all of us, too." Magnus scrunched his eyebrows but Simon went on "I mean the painting of Alec is amazing..." Raphael kicked him in the shin and Simon said "Ow, Raph!" Then he looked at Magnus in panic and said "Oh, sorry, I don't have any filter-" Magnus waved his hand and replied "It's fine. I didn't know that Clary took her friends as an inspiration. Quite clever actually." 

How to not mess this up #malec fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now