I want us to be together.

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This gif above is one of my favourites, I mean it's so FRICKIN CUTE AHHHHHH anyways, enjoy, the next one will be the last chapter!! :)

"I think it was really sweet." Catarina said, sipping her coffee. Raphael rolled his eyes and mumbled "Yeah, if you forget the fact that he broke Magnus' heart." Magnus sighed and glared at Raphael. "Raph, he's trying. And I really want to forgive him." Magnus said. The date with Alec had gone perfectly, naturally he had come straight home after it. He would have been lying to himself if he would have said that he didn't want to spend the night with Alec. Alec just was so...addictive. But bearing in mind that they were just discovering their relationship dynamics, now that Alec was well, Magnus had held his ground. He remembered how Alec had kissed him goodbye at the door. His eyes were sparkling and his cheek were flushed from the cool night air and his lips were hot against his. Magnus smiled. "Earth to Magnus! Did you hear what I said?" Catarina snapped her fingers in front of him.

Magnus shook his head and looked at them. "Hmph?" he said. Ragnor chuckled and said "You're thinking about him right now." Magnus scoffed. "Of course I am, he's the topic of this conversation, isn't he?" he said. Catarina smacked his arm and replied "Yes, but I was saying something, until you so rudely decided to ignore me. I was just thinking that he seems... to really care for you. And I mean that. I've seen him. He was just in a very bad place. I'm not saying you should forgive him immediately, but try to see it from his viewpoint." Magnus thought about this for a moment. Alec was in a bad place, but the fact that he had never been a relationship person, just like Magnus, had also an impact on what had happened. He got scared, Magnus could bet on it. Hell, he had been scared. But he loved him. He really did and that was enough to try and work things out between them.

He raised his head when the door to the cafe they were sitting in opened and the one and only, Isabelle Lightwood stepped inside. She was wearing a beautiful light yellow dress, like spring and her white high heels clicked when she came towards them, waving. Magnus waved at her and stood up to hug her. "My god, you look so beautiful, darling!" Magnus said. Isabelle flicked her braided hair and smiled a dashing smile. "Hey guys! What are you doing here?" she asked, her face like sunshine. The other greeted her and Raphael said "Just dissecting Magnus' date with Alec." Magnus glared at him but Isabelle glanced at him and then said "I think that it went well, deciding on how Alec wouldn't shut up about it and you." Isabelle smirked and Magnus blushed a little. "Oh my, Magnus blushing! Isabelle, you are amazing." Catarina gasped. Isabelle's laughter lingered in the air. "Well, I'll leave you to it, I just came to pick up my order." she said. "Oh, what order?" Magnus asked. "A cake. It's Max's birthday! He's coming over to Brooklyn and Alec, me and Jace are going to spend the day with him and have a little birthday party with him tonight. You guys should come!" she glanced at each one of them.

Magnus looked wary. "I don't know if that's a good idea." he said. Isabelle glared at him. "Nonsense, I know Alec would love to have you all there. He really misses you all. And you haven't met Max yet, he's great! The sweetest of the Lightwoods." she said with a smile. Magnus laughed "I don't know, Alec's pretty sweet." Catarina cackled and Ragnor said "Cheezy." Raphael stood up "That's my cue. But if you guys decide to go, let me know. Me and Simon would love to come, Isabelle." he said. Isabelle beamed at him and nodded "Yeah, I haven't seen Simon in ages, either. I'll text Jace and Alec that it's happening tonight. No excuses, guys!" She glared at them and none of them had the courage to deny it. She nodded and smiled brightly before going to get her order. Ragnor shuddered and said "She's scary when she wants to be." Magnus laughed.

Later that day, when it was about 5 pm, Magnus was trying to find something normal to wear. He felt like he couldn't be the colorful self he always was, since it was Alec's little brother after all. He didn't want to intimidate him. He was holding black skinny jeans in one hand and light blue in the other when Catarina came in. She rolled her eyes at him "Jesus, just get dressed! We'll be late." Magnus made a noise and said "I don't know what to wear!" Catarina picked up his blue jeans from his hand and handed him a white T-shirt. "There. And put that black leather jacket on." Magnus looked at the clothes and said "I have never worn so boring clothes." Catarina rolled her eyes again and handed him his eyeliner. "Then mix it up. See you out there." she said. Magnus sighed and started to get dressed. After 20 minutes, he was done. He couldn't resist putting some silver glitter in his hair and chains on the jeans, but otherwise, he looked much more toned down than usual. Ragnor clapped his hands when Magnus emerged from his bedroom "Alright, let's get this show on the road. Simon and Raph are already there."

When they pulled up to Alec's apartment, Magnus felt a little sick. It was all still so...raw, and meeting Alec's brother felt like some kind of a huge step. Not that they were officially back together. Kind of. He didn't know. "Okay?" Cat asked him. Magnus smiled and nodded, ignoring the lump in his throat. They reached the door and Isabelle opened it, after hearing them knock. She was wearing her black leather pants and a pink tank top. Her hair were in a ponytail and she threw it back when she spoke "There you are! We were just about to serve the cake. Come in!" Magnus moved into the familiar living room and saw Jace talking to a slightly shorter boy. He had brown hair and big grey eyes, but he definitely looked like Alec with his strong facial features, but the glasses on his nose made him also look like a smaller version of Simon. Jace looked up and smiled at them. He was in sweats and padded over to them, hugging Magnus. "Hey, man. Good to see you." he said. He nodded to the others and then waved Max over. "This is Maxwell Lightwood." Jace introduced him. Max scrunched up his nose and said "It's Max. Nobody calls me Maxwell, that's just stupid." Magnus gave a laugh and said "I guess it runs in the family, none of you like to be called by your full names." Max stared up at him and Magnus said "I'm Magnus. I'm Alec's...friend. These are also his friends, Cat and Ragnor." Max nodded to them and then said "You the Magnus he keeps talking about?" Magnus smirked at his innocence but hear a voice say "Okay, enough of that. Come here." Alec came towards them and scooped Max up, spinning him around and making him laugh hysterically.

Magnus watched them with amusement. Alec was barefoot and wearing black ripped jeans, with a black T-shirt that clung to his muscles. He put Max down and scurried him to the kitchen where Isabelle was cutting the cake. "Hey," Aled said, shy. Magnus smiled at him and replied "Hey back." Alec smiled at his and pointed to the kitchen "Max never knows when to shut up. He's always been real nosy." Magnus laughed. "Well, I like him." Alec shook his head and then noticed Catarina and Ragnor. "Hey!" he said, hugging Cat, who was surprised but hugged him back, smiling. Ragnor nodded to Alec and they moved to the kitchen. Isabelle handed them glasses of champagne. She gave one for Max, too and Alec scowled at her. "Oh my go, relax, it's children's champagne. What do you think I am?" Isabelle said, rolling her eyes. Alec mumbled something and Isabelle said "What?". Her hands went to her hips and she glared at him. Alec replied quickly "Nothing!" and Jace and Magnus laughed at his. Raphael and Simon were standing behind the counter, Simon's hand around Raphael. "Happy birthday, Max!" Isabelle said and they all cheered. Max smiled sweetly and then said "Can I open the presents now?" They laughed and Jace heaved him up on the counter, where he sat, opening the presents. Alec, Jace and Isabelle got Max a telescope. He was a real nerd and loved stuff like that. Cat and Ragnor had bought him a kit to make his own burglar alarm and Raph and Simon had given him a new computer game that Simon knew Max loved. His face lit up at each one of them and he thanked them all. He took Magnus' gift and unwrapped it. It was a book. Max looked at it with wide eyes. It was a copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". It looked rugged and old.

"Is this...?" Max asked, his voice trailing off, full of awe. Alec looked at Magnus, not quite believing it either and Magnus said with pride "Yeah, it's the first edition." Isabelle and Jace also looked at Magnus with surprise. Isabelle smiled softly. "Wow, this is incredible, than you!" Max squealed and hugged Magnus. Magnus was taken aback but hugged the boy back. "This is one of my favourite books!" he said, while scanning the pages. Magnus chuckled and share a knowing glance with Isabelle. When they move to the living room to eat cake and converse, Magnus sat down and Alec sat next to him. "Where'd you get that?" Alec asked him. Magnus smiled. "It's mine. I've had it since forever. But I think he would have more fun from it than me." he replied. Alec looked at him with a sweet smile on his face. "You...that's so sweet of you. You're amazing." Alec said. Magnus fidgeted with his fingers. "Sorry, that was weird, right?" Alec said, turning slightly red. Magnus shook his head. "No, it's just. I just thought about us and I...wasn't sure what we are now." he said. Alec seemed a bit defeated "I mean, we can be whatever you want. I'm not pressuring you in any way."

Magnus stared at him. Alec's eyes seemed sad although his lips were smiling and Magnus put his hand up, touching his lower lip slightly. "I want us to be together," he whispered. Alec smiled and replied "Me, too." Magnus let his hand fall but Alec took it into his. "Hey, guys, we're going to the amusement park, you coming?" Isabelle asked. They looked up and saw everyone but Max staring at them. Catarina was smiling and Jace was hiding his laugh. "Oh, yeah, sure." Alec said, blushing under their gaze. "Alright, let's go. Clary and Meliorn will meet us there." Isabelle announced. They started to leave and when they stepped outside, Alec looked at Magnus, before sliding his hand in his. Magnus smiled at him, too, and felt happy. Happier than he had been in a long time.

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