The small party

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"What time is it?" Magnus asked, slightly out of breath. Alec rolled himself to his side in Magnus' bed, taking his phone from the nightstand. "6.45" Alec answered. Magnus sighed "They'll be here soon." Alec rolled himself back, so he could look at Magnus. He was completely naked, covered with the sheets and his hair was a mess. Magnus loved it. "Well, we better get ready then. I'll order pizza and you get the snacks ready?" Alec asked. Magnus hummed in agreement and Alec bowed his head and kissed Magnus on the chest. Then he kissed him on his neck and then on his jawline. At that Magnus said in a low voice "Alexander, we have to put some clothes on to host our guests." Alec smiled against Magnus' skin and said "Do we really?" Magnus swatted at his arm and laughed. "Yes, as much as I enjoy you being naked, Catarina will have a heart attack if she sees what I see." Alec laughed at this, but got up.

Once they had dressed themselves, Alec took to the phone while Magnus started to lay out the snacks - his favourite chicken wings, of course some onion rings that Alec loved and other finger food. He set the alcohol on the counter and some plastic cups next to them. When it was 7.45, Magnus' doorbell rung. "I'll get it!" Alec chimed when Magnus was busy in the kitchen. Magnus could hear someone laughing at the door and then Catarina was in front of him. "Hello, stranger." She dipped an onion ring into the sauce and bit into it. Magnus slapped her hand and said "Hey, not before everyone's here!" Catarina glared at him and held her hand. "Hey, Mags." Ragnor appeared next to Cat and was smiling at him. Magnus smiled back but he noticed who was behind them. Holding hands. "Raph! Jesus, about time, honestly." Simon gave a small laugh but Raphael looked absolutely mortified.

Alec came to the kitchen and said "My siblings should be here soon. Simon, is Clary coming with them?" Simon nodded and said "I was at Raphael's so there was no point in going to her house, she can get a lift with Jace." Alec nodded but Magnus piped up "Oh were you know? Raph, introduced him to your mama?" Cat and Ragnor laughed but Raphael shot him a death glare, to which Magnus just shrugged.

They went to the couch, after Magnus had poured them all a drink. He handed a cup to Alec. "Gin, I know you hate vodka and rum." Alec smiled when he took the cup and kissed Magnus' cheek. "Thanks, babe." Magnus almost blushed. Which he never did so fuck you, Alexander Lightwood. Catarina called "Hey, you two, stop canoodling and get over here." Magnus rolled his eyes, but just as he had sat down, the doorbell rang again. Alec held up his hand and went to open it.

"I am telling you, I will fucking fall asleep! I mean, who makes a movie that goes on for almost 4 hours!?" Jace was saying as they piled into the room. Clary rolled her eyes and replied "Lord of the Rings is a fantastic movie and you will watch it with me eventually." She stopped and waved to the group in the living room "Oh, hey guys." They all greeted back and Isabelle asked "Where can I put these, Magnus?" She was holding up a sixpack of beer in one and a bottle of rum in the other. Magnus stood up and showed her where to put them while the others sat down. Isabelle and Magnus came back shortly, Isabelle holding two cups and a beer. She handed the beer to Jace and the cup to Clary, who both thanked her. Than she sat down. Magnus and Alec were on the love couch while Catarina, Ragnor, Raphael and Simon sat on the sofa. Isabelle was sitting in the armchair and Jace was sitting down on the floor, propping himself on the armchair, with Clary at his feet with her back leaning into him. 

"Alright, the pizza should be here in about 30." Isabelle cheered "Awesome, I'm starving." Jace eyed her and said "You're always starving. It's like you never stop eating." An onion ring hit his right eye and Isabelle said with a deadly glare "And I never gain weight. So there's that." Jace groaned and Clary laughed loudly. Simon asked "What was that talk about Lord of the Rings?" Jace groaned but Clary's eyes lit up. Then they went on a discussion about why that movie was so good and only Catarina and Magnus knew what they were talking about. "Long story short, Orlando Bloom is freakin hot." Clary stated. Simon and Magnus said "Amen." in unison. Everyone looked at them and then burst into laughter. 

Once the pizza arrived, they ate and watched stranger things. Catarina, Ragnor and Isabelle were the only ones who hadn't seen it, but they were willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Turns out, they all loved it as much as the rest of the group. At some point, when they had enough alcohol in their system, they had started to blast music from Magnus' wall mounted speakers  and danced around. Raphael and Simon were dancing together, Raphael clearly more drunk than Simon because he kept repeating how hot Simon was with his glasses. Clary was dancing with Isabelle and Ragnor, Catarina and Alec were on the sofa, chatting, or more like yelling over the music. Magnus sneaked onto the balcony and lit up a cigarette. He had taken a few puffs when Alec came onto the balcony. "You smoke?" Alec asked surprised. Magnus waved his hand around with the cigarette and said "Only when I'm drunk. Or really depressed. I can put it out." Alec shook his head and said "No, that's okay. I don't mind it, I just used to smoke." Magnus was intrigued.

"And you don't anymore?" he asked, taking a drag. Alec shrugged his shoulders and said "I haven't in a long time. Don't feel the need. But it doesn't bother me." Suddenly, Isabelle was also on the balcony. "Hey, guys!" she chimed, while taking a pack out of her bag and lighting a cigarette. Alec almost screamed "Izzy!?" Isabelle gave him and eyeroll and said "Oh come on. It's not like I'm 16. And you smoked for 2 years yourself!" Alec sputtered "How did I not know about this?" Magnus laughed at Alec obvious conundrum. "Because I knew you'd try to lecture me. Your little sister. Well guess what, asshole, I'm not little, haven't been for a long time." She blew a smoke ring. Alec rolled his eyes and mumbled "Whatever. Wanker." Isabelle blew a kiss to him. Then she turned to Magnus "So, Magnus. You two done the dirty yet?" Magnus almost choked on his cigarette while Alec fell down from the chair he was sitting on. Isabelle shrieked of laughter. "Relax, morons, I was just joking." Alec's face was as red as the traffic light. Isabelle said thoughtfully "Well, actually, I know you've done it, so really, there's no point in asking."

Magnus coughed and put out his cigarette, then he said "Isabelle, sweetheart. Maybe you should mind your own fucking business?" He smiled at her and she smirked back, when he and Alec left to go inside. "I hope you two are being safe!" she yelled at their backs. Alec hid his face into his hands and Magnus laughed. "Your sister is quite possibly the most awesome and most annoying person at the same time." Magnus said with a smirk. Alec nodded and said "And a pain in the ass." Simon spoke up "Guys, I'm taking Raph home. Anyone else need a taxi?" Catarina and Ragnor raised their hands and followed them to put on their coats. Jace stood up and said "Come on, it's past 1, we should go, too. Isabelle, let's go!" Jace had only had one beer and that was when they had arrived so he was good to drive. Isabelle came sauntering in from the balcony. She stopped in front of Magnus and Alec and gave Magnus a kiss on the cheek saying "Behave with my brother." Then she gave a kiss onto Alec's cheek saying "See you later, loser." Alec mumbled "Love you too, Iz." She laughed and put on her killer boots.

Once everyone had said their goodbyes and piled out, Magnus and Alec sighed in unison. They looked at the living room and the state of it and then at each other. "It can wait, right?" Alec asked with a yawn. Magnus nodded "yep, I'm exhausted." Alec smirked and asked "Exactly how exhausted?" Magnus saw the gleam in his eyes and asked seductively "Hmm, I could be persuaded to be not as exhausted." Alec pulled Magnus towards him by sliding his fingers into the waistband of his jeans. Their lips met and Magnus kissed Alec back hungrily. He pushed them back, until Alec's back was against a wall and he was trapped by Magnus. Alec smirked into the kiss "Oh, hello." Magnus pulled back and smirked, too. "Hello," he said, when he kissed Alec's jawline, making him moan. Suddenly, Alec's arms were around him and he was lifted up. 

Magnus laughed "What, too tired to stand?  I might've given you the blowjob of your life. Now you'll never know." Alec smiled and replied "Every one of them are the best one's in my life anyway, so there's no difference." Magnus chuckled and said "That managed to sound cheesy." Alec moved them to the bedroom, setting Magnus down on it and said "Well, get used to it. You make me talk cheesy." Magnus giggled and Alec laughed at the sound. He removed his clothes and Magnus did the same. When Alec leaned down to kiss him, Magnus said softly "Alexander, I love you."

Alec stilled for a moment. Then he cupped Magnus' face with his hands and stared at his beautiful green-yellow eyes. He pecked his lips and replied just as softly "Magnus, I love you." Magnus pulled their lips together again and realized Alec tasted sweet like chocolate but also tangy like gin and hoped he could remember that taste forever. It was his new favorite flavor.

Hello darlings :)x So I actually came up with another idea for a Malec story, but since this one's not finished, I'm not going to upload it just yet, but I am actively writing it, so when it does go up, it'll mostly be half done. So yeah, that's all, as always, I'd love to hear you in the comments, cause that's how I know if I'm doing a good or a crappy job at this. Stay fabulous, my sweeties :)x

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