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It's been about a month or so since she moved to New York City. (Y/N) was just heading up to her appartmant around Central Park, after watching the kids play as she took photos. Some kids already had bracelets on, indicating that they already found their soulmates. You know who your Soulmate is when a personalized bracelet, necklace or a ring appears on your skin. When you wear them, it'll give you the ability to know where your mate is, how their feeling, ect. (Y/N) never wore any jewelry, and she didn't really care to. She's 21 now and still haven't found her soulmate mate so she just assumed that she doesn't have one. So when she moved out from her dad's in Atlanta, she decided to move to New York, for a change of pace.

Thanks to her skills in technology and hacking, she managed to find Tony Stark's bank account and used it to get her the top floor appartment (which was also the nicest one in the area near by Central Park). After she finished work on her computer she had on her night gown about to go to bed when she spotted her violin next to her. 'It's been awhile since I played, it wouldn't hurt to release some energy right?' (Y/N) grabbed a light jacket before walking up the stairs to the rooftop, staring at the beautiful lit up city of New York. She usually came up to the roof when she needed to release her emotions. Once she cleared her head she started playing, a rainbow colored aura surrounding her.

As far as (Y/N) knew, only she and her mother knew she had powers. She could turn her Emotions to physical objects, or shape them however she wished. When she played the Violin, it was like she was releasing a large colorful light from her chest. (Y/N) had been playing for minutes, hours? She couldn't tell. It felt so right instead of hiding her gift. She subconsciously flew from her rooftop; her emotions becoming angelic wings, flying higher and higher into the sky as she played the Violin. (Y/N) giggled as she flew above the sleeping city, the wind dancing around her as she played. It was times like these that were so important to her. What (Y/N) didn't know was that Peter AKA Spiderman saw her and phoned the rest of the Avengers.

Once she finished and flew back down to her rooftop she flinched at the sound of clapping behind her. "What! I-" she just stood there shocked at the team of Avengers. "Controlling and materializing Emotions. Very beautifully displayed Mrs. (L/N). Oh and let's not forget your hacking skills since you apparently made a deal with J.A.R.V.I.S to transfer a couple hundred thousand dollars to you from my personal account". Tony said, stepped towards her. That made her too nervous too quickly. "W-what? H-how! Only m-my dad knows-!" She asked scared as she stepped closer to the edge. Her wings had turned a purplish red, and had grown bigger. "Wait! (Y/N)! It's ok! Just step way from the edge!" The winter Soldier said, coming closer. That just scared her even more. "No! I-I don't know you! Why would I-" She was at the edge, her wings keeping her balanced. Suddenly her body felt a bit heavier. "Guys! There's a problem!" Black Widow said, as she, Loki, and Bucky felt heavy too. Before she stepped off the Edge, (Y/N) noticed what had happened.

An amethyst ring appeared in Loki's hand, a purple choker with Silver studs on Widow's neck and a Dark purple armband on Bucky's metal arm. They looked to (Y/N) as she got closer to the edge. She now had a black necklace with a silver dagger pendant, a black bracelet with ruby gun and dagger charms, and an emerald and silver bracelet ring . Not them!! Anyone but them! She screamed eternally as she figured out what just happened.

(Y/N)'s soulmates where Black Widow, The Winter Soldier, and Loki prince of Asgard.

My Lavender Lady (Avengers soulmate AU)  On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now