For the first time in a long time

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"If you want something badly set it free , if it comes back to you , it's yours  forever , if I doesn't it was never yours to begin with" a good saying one I am very familiar with. It started when I got a phone call from someone I haven't talked to in three years then my whole life changed in a second.

I had just walked back in to my awful apartment after another day of working tirelessly . My absolute arse of a boss hates me and  purposely makes my life hell.

Wait before we begin I suppose I should tell you a bit about my past because me and the boys have a pretty messed up  history.
3 years ago it was perfect , I had moved to London and met the most amazing friends of my life but no sooner had it begun it was all over. I thought me and Will would be together forever that I had found my happily ever after but after all those happy months we broke up. I had to do it he had moved away ,I never saw him ,I wasn't happy. Everything got worse though.
I had to move back home to my family ,who didn't care about me ,because I couldn't afford London anymore. I stopped eating , sleeping and just sat in my room and cried I had no one. I finally realised I needed some help and got into therapy it helped but I hated it.
Slowly I managed to claw my way back i a normal life I , i stopped caring about the past and it was all just a sad memory. I moved back down to London, got a job and tried to start my life over again. It was painful at times remembering things I used to do with the boys but over time those feelings just faded away . I was pretty much doing ok for a while but slowly the loneliness just crushed me and my anxiety was still pretty bad. And I guess that's where this story begins me trying to get by another day.

Yes so where was I. Oh yeah
I'd just got back from a boring day at work I threw my bag and coat on the sofa and started debating weather I should make anything to eat. I suddenly felt a vibration in my left pocket , I took out my phone to check who the message was from when I saw a name that made my heart stop.

Big man Alex :
Hey it Alex been a long time ay. thought I'd reach out to old friends.

I froze. Just starring down at the screen unable to think.
I used to love Alex,  he was like my brother but it had been so long why now. I knew I wanted to text back I wanted to run to Alex and George right now and give them the biggest hug but after the break up they completely abandoned me , neither of them were there they just sided with Will without even asking if I was ok and that's what made me not trust them again. I knew I needed this I was so lonely after josh.

Oh yeah I didn't tell you did I. I had a boyfriend I had finally found someone and I thought it was the best thing ever I could finally properly move on.
We were together about a year but he changed he started getting angry. He started hitting me. He almost broke me , but I finally built up the courage to just fight back and break up with him about a month ago but ever since I was really struggling again.
Right I'm sorry I don't think I need to interrupt again.

I started to actually think clearly again and decided I needed to try at least , just one message and if they were messing around I would never have to talk to them again

Y/n : hey been a long time

I typed out and finally convinced myself to press send. I could feel myself shaking watching as the little dots bounced up and down on my screen while Alex typed out his next sentence.

Big man Alex :
Can you call got something important I wanted to ask you.

Y/n:  sure

What why did you say that you are certainly not ready to call your a mess. Before I had time to think anything else my phone started ringing.

"Hey y/n" I heard his jolly voice echo round my head and it immediately set my mind at ease. He sounded so happy and welcoming and I was suddenly flooded with a thousand happy memories and the thought almost brought me to tears.

"Hey been a long time"I said back trying to sound as happy as possible not letting the tears fall from my eyes.
"Too long"he replied. I wish I could just reach through the screen and see him , talking to him made me realise how much I still missed them, all of them. "

"So me and George were wondering if you maybe wanted to meet up. I know a lot has happened over the years and if this is too rushed it's fine but we'd really like to see you again"
"Oh Alex I don't know what to say of course I wanna see you again when , where,  I'm totally in"
I blurted our down the phone. why did you do that? I thought , why be so open to these people who you haven't cared about for the last 3 years?
"Great I'll text you the details when we decide for sure"
"Ok sounds good looking forward to it"I said just about to hang up when I heard him say
"Oh y/n it's good talking to you"
"You too" I replied hanging up shortly after.
I know what your thinking but It really was nice talking to him I missed my old life when I had good people around me. To be honest I wasn't even mad anymore I was just sad I'd lost my best friends. At the time I'd planned to say all these horrible things but I think deep down I knew  if I ever got the chance I wouldn't do it.

I threw myself onto the sofa with full of hope. for the first time in a long time I finally had something to look forward to.
However at that moment I had no idea what my life would become over the next few weeks

Hey guys I know this chapter isn't that interesting and is mostly just background info but it's gonna be important to the story. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and continue reading also remember to let me know what you think in the comments I would really appreciate it
Thank you 😊

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