Ok ..... i promise

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The night slowly came to a close , most of it consisted of George , Alex and Will ignoring each other and me awkwardly trying to make conversation with all of them, until Will announced his departure.

Both of the boys said nothing so I decided I'd walk him to the door.
"Well thanks for an evening" he said making me giggle slightly. We both knew this wasn't the night I'd expected but I didn't think they would just not talk to each other.

"Your welcome"
A few seconds past of us just kinda staring at each other until we finally came back to our senses and Will said "right goodnight then , we'll see each other again right?"
"Of course"

He began walking out the door and I started shutting it until he pushed it back open again and a look of confusion covered my face.

"Um.... well I , i was wondering if maybe you wanted to come out with me tomorrow night" he stuttered running a hand through his hair.  "I'm just meeting up with some of me old mates but I'd really like to see you"

"Yes , yes tomorrow sounds good"I nodded a smile reforming on my face.
"Great , I can pick you up if you want I'll text you the times"
"Ok see you tomorrow then"
"It's a date" his cheeks flushed red and I could see a look of regret spreading across his face "no , no um not a date as in a date , date I , i  just meant errr"

"It's a date" I said returning his confidence slightly and he didn't look so worried anymore.
"Good , ok then goodbye y/n" he replied kissing my cheek as he left.

I shut the door slowly trying to process what had just happened but I couldn't.
I walked back into the living room to Alex and George trying to hide my embarrassment but I could feel my cheeks burning red and they would definitely know something happened.

But as I walked back in they both had a nervous look on there face and seemed like they were waiting for me.
"Everything alright" I said taking a seat on the sofa opposite them the colour draining from my face.
" can we talk about something" Alex said avoiding eye contact, that just confirmed to me that he was nervous because Alex always did that when he was nervous " it's important"

" um yeah sure is everything alright? What's going on?" I suddenly forgot all about Will I was so worried about what they were going to tell me.

Alex began to stutter over his words and he couldn't get the sentence out "well... um.... errr the thing , the t-thing is y/n"
All of a sudden he was cut off by George who didn't really sound worried he just sounded angry "we can't believe your getting close to Will again"

The words hit like bullets breaking through me i honestly could believe what George has just said to me and the anger began to build up in me too.

"Why... is it that unbelievable that someone could like me?" I said slowly and painfully.
"No. It's unbelievable that your like this sweet innocent girl and he's acting like a complete dick" Alex said sounding more frustrated as he went on.

"Wow" I shrugged unable to believe what they were saying I thought they were always gonna support me "you know you make me sound really boring right guys , I'm not that innocent".

"Ok" George said sarcastically rolling his eyes as he did.
"Ok well if that's the reason you guys wanted to talk to me then I..." I stood up grabbing my bag and my phone tears trickling down my face and started to walk out.
"Wait" I Heard Alex's voice cry grabbing my arm. I turned to look at him tears becoming more frequent as I did.
He wiped my face and began to talk again " look y/n we just don't want you getting hurt again ether of you. We know what Will went through before and I can only imagine what you went through and I don't want that again"

George piped up from somewhere behind us and again as unhelpful as ever said " we know both of you really well and sometimes we can see what's best for you"
My mouth hung open in shock I laughed in disbelief shaking my head and snapped my angered expression to George " what's best for me?!"

Alex cut George off before one of us had the chance to say said something we'd regret.
"Please y/n just try to understand" I saw tears in his eyes and it made me just want to break down and hug him but I couldn't. " we can't lose you both again if you and Will got back together things won't go well"

"You can't just tell me how to feel" I said through tears. I could see both of them felt bad even George.
He must of because he finally leaped off the sofa and came to comfort me finally saying the right thing
"Come on y/n do you really think we'd be saying this if there wasn't a good reason. Please. Please just say that you'll stay away from him for all our sakes"
There was a tone of genuineness behind both there voices that broke me in half and I couldn't stand to see them upset And I think I knew deep down that they were right.

So I gave in spluttering through tears what they wanted to hear " ok ... I promise"
"Thank you" George said hugging me I found it hard to hug him back but I still did.
" it's getting late though I better go" i forced out. I knew that I didn't really want to leave and if this hadn't have happened I would be here all night. But there was only one person I needed to talk to and that was Will.

I had to some how tell him that I had to shut him out of my life again.

I left pretty much straight after that and hugged them goodbye but as soon as I stepped out of the front door my legs took over my mind and I ignored everything I'd just promised.

I ran down the streets straight back to Will and I felt so angry at myself I knew I was lying to George and Alex, I could have told them no but then I would lose them.



I held my breath tears flooding my eyes.

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