Awkward silence

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I grabbed some leggings and a grey sweatshirt and pulled them in as quick as possible ignoring the fact that I definitely wasn't wrapped up warm enough.
I put on my glasses , slid on my trainers and headed out into the frosty air.

👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻(Your outfit )

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(Your outfit )

It wasn't a long way to the park so I decided I'd walk. Despite the busy streets and the fact that it's usually raining I really enjoyed walking round London in the evening it was so relaxing.
Your probably wondering how I know Will is gonna be at this park and it's because it's our special place or it was our special place I hadn't seen it in 3 years.
There was a "secret trail" no one knew about and a perfect private area on the other side. We always went there and it may of been 3 years but I know Will and if they haven't found him yet he's definitely there. I just hoped he was safe.


I turned into the entrance of the park to find George and Alex waiting by the fountain that sat in the centre of the path , shooting shimmering blades of water through the air.

There faces weren't happy like usual though they looked tearful and weak so I decided to do the right thing and give them a light hug.
I couldn't help it as soon as we met I hugged them tight they looked so sad and they were my best friends.
I could practically feel the tears in Alex eyes as he said "y/n you came"
"Of corse I came" I answered releasing the guys from the hug.
"Thank you"George said while looking at the ground I could tell he was trying to hide his tears and I felt so bad for him. All this because of me.
"Hey" I said lifting his head " it's gonna be alright just follow me"
He just kind of nodded and I began leading the way with the two of trailing behind me.

I knew the journey off by heart, I could do it with my eyes closed I had walked the path so many times and tears burned my eyes as I remembered all of those good times.
No one spoke a word , though there was a constant loom of awkward silence and the only noise in the air was our footsteps echoing through the empty park.

We finally reached the "secret trail" and we just had to climb over one last tree.
"Just over this last one" I said quietly breaking the uncomfortable silence. The two jumped over then helped me. I landed with a slight wobble I could feel myself shaking again as I looked out across the moon lit lake.
All of a sudden Alex and George ran from behind me.i could see what they were running to it was Will crumbled in an unmoving pile on the ground.

I didn't move it didn't feel right , I didn't wanna make things worse because I already knew this was all my fault.

Alex POV

We sprinted over as fast as we could a million questions filling my mind. His body was surrounded by empty bottles and cans of various alcoholic drinks and he had an emotionless look bolted forward.
"Will" I said shaking my hand in front of his face.
"God sake Will we've been looking fucking everywhere for you" George said clearly frustrated at him and he had a reason to be. 

"I told you two to leave me the fuck alone" he shouted turning his head to George who looked like he was regretting being so hard on him.
"Look will you have to come home with us your not safe alone here" George said
" come on mate your not in a good way here please" I added
He just sighed in defeat and stood up rubbing he's face and that's when he saw her.
Y/n shaking , barely able to stand , staring down at her feet.

Fury masked his expression but he said nothing , he just silently walked passed he smacking into her shoulder as he did so.

Y/n's POV

Ouch I thought as he slammed into my shoulder, I deserved it. Tears trickled down my cheeks.
George Tried to comfort me but it was no use I felt worse then I did when I left.

The walk back was tough. Alex and George went off a head of me and Will but he still tried to keep his distance from me.
It killed me.
I needed him more then ever but he wasn't there

Great I thought. Rain
The rain started pouring down and of corse I didn't have a hood.
I held my hands over my head trying to shield myself from the water.
All of a sudden I felt the warm heavy weight being thrown over my shoulders. I turned to see Will handing me his jacket "hold this over your head" he said emotionlessly without making eye contact.
"Thank you" i said taking it from him with my first genuine happy voice towards Will in a long time.
I smiled at him, but his eyes were so cold like frozen arrows right in my heart , I guess he did still hate me.

The rest of the journey to my apartment was full of awkward silence for the second time that night but This time I didn't mind , the chaos in my head was enough to keep me distracted.
"Bye then y/n" Alex said as we arrived at my apartment block "thank you for everything" I could tell he really meant it but I didn't want to open my door to him anymore I was already being so pathetic letting myself fall for Will again.
So all I said was "your welcome" and gave him and George a quick wave.
"Bye , good seeing you" George shouted as they started walking down the street.
Will gave me one final look of disgust and continued walking behind them.

I unlocked the door to my flat and ran straight to my room, collapsing onto the bed letting the sheets engulf me completely. Tears poured from my eyes.
I just wanted this whole situation to end.

Wills POV

We walked back into the boys apartment shutting the door behind me, I couldn't wait to take my anger out at Alex and George. I was so furious at them it was all there fault y/n was here and it was all there fault y/n turned up tonight. I didn't get how they could just let her walk right back into our lives after all this time.
"Will" George began " I think we need to talk"

"No save it I don't wanna talk to you guys this is all your fault why did you invite her and not tell me" I snapped slamming my hand onto the sofa.
"Will come on it's been 3 years you need to learn to get over it" Alex said getting angrier as he spoke
"No. Don't you dare tell me know to feel , you guys are meant  to be my friends and this is how carelessly you act towards me." I shouted tears staring to gather in my eyes.
"Will you went fucking missing no one knew where you were. We were worried about you." George yelled getting in my face. "You know what ,It's a good job y/n is here or we never would have found you.
"Well , you clearly don't want me here. Don't check up on me again your clearly just fussed about y/n" I spat at them gathering myself then leaving.

I slammed them door and began walking down the stairs I was so full of anger why weren't they helping me. Why did they do that to me ?
All this over bloody y/n.
Why do they keep dragging her into everything?
And the truth was i did still like her and I knew they both knew that I was too easy to read at times like this.
It was dangerous ground to tread I was so hurt last time and I didn't know how to handle my emotions. There was one thing I did know though I had to go back to hating her and quick.

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