An old friend.

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I awoke to the sound of my phone , harshly ringing down my ear. I sighed deeply but before I could grab it the call cut off  and a message came through.
Weird I thought calls usually last longer then that.
I brushed it off presuming it was just an accidental call.

I grabbed my phone off the bed side table to see if I recognise the number but boy would I regret doing so.

(Ignore the time I can't change it x )

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(Ignore the time I can't change it x )

Will I thought curiously, honestly surprised that I'd kept his number I guess I just changed the name and tried to forget.

I knew it wasn't just an accident that he'd called me there was something he needed to say but I really wasn't in the mood to attempt conversation right now so I just ignored it.

I rubbed my face noticing it was covered in stinging splotches and grabbed my phone checking the time. 8:30. I wished more then anything that I could take a long relaxing bath again but I had work at 10 so that wasn't gonna happen. Instead I threw on a large hoodie and walked to the kitchen getting myself something to eat.
I pushed the bread down into the toaster and eagerly awaited it to pop back up.

I slumped on the sofa and opened my laptop going on to YouTube to find something to watch while I finished breakfast.
Willne : i gave George my tinder.
Willne : this week on the internet.
Willne: we need to stop morgz mom.

His videos flooded my recommended making me slam the lid of my laptop down angrily.
"I think that's enough YouTube for one day" I muttered to myself finishing off my toast.
I just decided to give up and go and get ready for work.

I had a shower and did some light makeup ,just to try and make myself feel better, and walked into my room glancing at the plain uniform that was just sprawled along a chair. I put it on and looked in the mirror trying to make myself look a bit more presentable. I held my hair out of my face telling myself that the trauma of the last few days would all be over soon though I longed to see Alex and George and in some ways Will too. Work was just another thing that I had to face dragging me down.

Just as I was about to leave I felt my phone start to ring  in my back pocket , I just knew it was gonna be Will so I didn't even check I just swung the phone up to my ear and bluntly snapped " what do you want?" 
My heart sank when I heard a voice that I didn't quite recognise.
"Um excuse me I almost felt guilty telling you that your pay was going to have to wait till next week"

Shit I thought checking the number, it was my boss.
"No , no , no ,no I'm so sorry i thought you wer.."
"Save it , your fired gave you your chance"and with that the angry woman hung up the phone leaving me alone in my bedroom.
And even though I didn't care.

I didn't care in the slightest I hated work.

I crumbled to the ground and burst into tears. It was all too much. Seeing everyone for the first time in years , Will continuing to be an arsehole , feelings resurfacing and now this I didn't know how much longer I could hold on.

And that's when it hit me at times like this there was someone I could always rely on. A very old friend that always had my back.
So I picked up my phone and scrolled through the contacts until I found the name Stephen x  and hit call.

" hi ste it's me"

Hey. I'm sorry for the super short chapter next one will be out very soon and it should actually have some other people in it. Anyways if you enjoyed please show your support by voting and tell me what you think in the comments.
Bye 💜

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