Chapter 10~ Stranger

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Hiccup's pov~

As I raced Astrid to Dragons Edge, Toothless and Stormfly stopped in their tracks, only 10 feet from the island. "Woah bud!? What's wrong??" I yelled trying to stay in the saddle.

I looked on the shore line and up the island finding a new and huge dragon. The dragon was accompanied with a smaller looking dragon with blue and brown scales.

I pulled out my radio that I made to keep in touch with Erit and Mala while on Berk. I linked it around my neck and touched the small blue circle in the middle of the necklace, signaling Erit's and Mala's radios.

"Erit, grab Skullcrusher and fly out to me, we have a Code RED" I said into the radio, pushing Toothless to continue but with caution. "Yes sir." He responded through the radio. "Mala, hold people back, don't bring the ship inward till the code word."

"You got it"

"What's going on, what does Code RED mean?" Astrid asked following up on my flank.  "Code RED means 'unwelcome visitor', that dragon right there, isn't any of mine." I yelled to Astrid as we flew around the island to sneak up on them from behind.

Astrid's pov~

Erit flew close to us on a green, Beatle like dragon. "I'm going around the back entrance." He yelled bringing the dragon in the opposite direction earning a nod from Hiccup.

We landed at a small entrance into a cave that the huge owl like dragon was on top of. Hiccup hopped off and pulled on his leather mask which was stained in his blood from the wound. He tossed me a blue mask, matching stormfly's scales. "Wear this, to protect your identity." Hiccups whispered as he whirled his finger around in the air making Stormfly and Toothless leave into the cave.

We walked in with weapons in our hands. We walked into a small room which looked like a bedroom. "Don't touch anything, I'm going to try and set the dragon hunter traps." He whispered walking over to a small panel.

After setting the traps, we heard a huge crash and dragon blast down the hall. "Toothless!?!" Hiccup yelled running after the sound only to trip and fall onto a pile of wood and dirt. He yelled out in pain as I pulled him to the side of the cave.

His injuries were bad meaning he couldn't continue. I took his sword and lit the fire that surrounded the sword. "Ill be back." I said running off towards the sound hearing protests from Hiccup as I ran.

I found Toothless and Stormfly running towards me. "Toothless go to your rider he's hurt bad." I said patting his nose. He 'oooroor' in response and ran off. "Show me the trap." I said to Stormfly who scooped me up and flew through the tunnels.

We came up on a a huge net that was trapping the dragon we saw outside the cave and a smaller looking dragon that resembled a human.

The huge dragon curled around the little one and fired at us with a tornado like fire, almost like a Typhoomerang, only if wasn't a Typhoomerang.

Stormfly shield the blow with her body and shot spines at the dragon, making it back down.

"Who are you!?" I yelled pointing Hiccup's sword at the smaller creature, presuming it was a human. "Don't hurt my dragon...please..." She yelled taking off her helmet.

"I'm not going to hurt your dragon, who are you?" I asked lowering my weapon. The girl was older in age, 40-50s. She has brown hair with silver highlights hinting at her age. Her eyes reminded me of Hiccup's, filled with hope and wonder.

"ASTRID, BACK AWAY!!!" I heard behind me making me trip backwards meeting Stormfly and Stormcrusher. Erit had lept over us to get to the older woman. He held his weapon to the woman's face earning a growth from the dragon.

"WHERES HADDOCK!?" He yelled not leaving eye contact with the woman. "He fell running to get his dragon... Oh my gods!!!" I said getting up to run after him.

Erit's pov~

"WAIT?! Like Hiccup Haddock!?" The woman yelled standing up. "How do you- who are you?" I asked, confused as to how she knew him. "IS IT HICCUP HADDOCK!?" She yelled trying to get out of the nets.

"Yes...but...why!?" I asked lowering my weapon and tilting my head.

"I'm his mother!!"

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