Chapter 9~ Leaving

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Astrid's pov~

I walked around the ship, helping the injured and elderly that had boarded the ship. Everyone was real sweet with a mixture of Berkians and Meatheads on the ship. I would be lying if I said I haven't had to stop any riots already.

I constantly went back to Hiccup to see if he was ok. Memories of him played in my head as I cared for people.

"Final deport from dock 5" Erit called out and released from dock. We were finally away from the war, but something wasn't sitting right.

"Hey Hiccup?" I asked as I sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. He 'mhm' in response to my question, allowing to continue. "How did this war start?" I asked, curious as to how the Meatheads got the idea of us stealing their training dragons. He seemed to not get my question, so I added onto it. "You know... With the dragon stealing." There was a long silence before he answered my question.

" The dragons were not stolen, but rescued. I wasn't going to just sit by and watch the dragons get slaughtered by the Meatheads so I rescued them." Before I could answer, a girl that wore all black and gold accents came up. "Haddock, there is to be a final war at Sunset cove tomorrow at the break of dawn. There is to be a massacre with very little left alive." She said out of breath.

Hiccup got up and called for Erit and Dagur, who had became his right hand man in the past hours of finding out it was Hiccup under the mask.

They ran over with little hesitation, gaining the attention of the occupants of the ship, some even rising up to here Hiccup talk.

"Ready the dragons. We are to inject in this war before it gets bloody at dawn." He said walking past them and to the dragon cages.

By the time we came to this realization that the war was going to be the death of all good things, we were already half way to his island.

"We don't have enough to stop the war. How are we going to win!?" Erit yelled following after Hiccup who was caring for a young mother who had lost her husband do to the war.

"We are almost to Dragon's Edge, we will get back fast enough to rescue home land and the Meatheads." He said walking away to help a old Grandfather stand up who was carrying his grandchild in his right arm. He gave a soft smile to the man before walking off only to trip.

"Hiccup!?" I said running to him, only to just barely catch him in time before smacking the floor.  Whispers and chatter arose from the people around us like "the Hiccup Haddock!?" "He could save us all" and  "How did he survive.".

"You can't do much with this gash on your side, much less stop a war!!" I yelled with sarcasm in my voice. "But its my fault and the people that I love shouldn't die due to me." He whispered to me with a hint of anger in his tone.

I sighed as he pushed away and walked to the front of the boat. He looked out on the sea only to run back yelling "land!". His dragon came to his side and he piled onto him. I hopped on which surprised the Nightfury, making him jump and buck.

"Its ok Toothless, its just Astrid." He said calming him down. "You sure you wanna ride on the back of a dragon, you seem to be quite scared of them." He smirked at his comment only to get an elbow from me.

"Well, I just thought you might want some protection due to the last time you flew on your Nightfury."

"Ok Milady you got me."

"I'll be here all week Mr. Haddock."

"Same here Ms. Hofferson."

We took off into the sky only to feel the breeze on my face send chills down my spine. Dragons of different species and colors swarmed the boat, escorting it inward.

A beautiful Deadly Natter flew close to Toothless making the reptile smile at the Natter. "Her name is Stormfly, she grew up with Toothless."  Hiccup shouted while flying inward to shore. The blue and yellow dragon flipped around us, making a sweet bird like sound in the process.

"Hey Stormfly." I said reaching out to touch her snout. After the contact, she flew closer to me, smelling my sent. Toothless made a soft sound which Stormfly responded to with excitement. She flew above me, picking me up in the process.

As I yelled, Stormfly flipped me in the air, landing on her back. "Looks like someone likes you." Hiccup snickered. I shot him a glared, which Stormfly picked up on."Its on." I announced, zooming inward to land with Hiccups on my tail.

This was the first time I had ever had fun.


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