Pilot Episode: Chapter 3

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Warning: Mention of Blood.

There aren't a lot of things that Jax will say he's afraid of, there's even less that he'll actually admit to. So, when he took his shot and punched Pixie's left cheek, at first he was scared he'd broken her neck as her head snapped to the side very sharply and she staggered back, but she didn't drop and Jax gave a sigh of relief. It was short-lived, however, as he watched Pixie slowly turn her head back to face him, her hazel eyes were dark and deadly now, devoid of any warmth and playfulness. She slowly smiled at him, like a little predator, Jax thought as a shiver ran down his spine. Pixie spat out a mouthful of blood and then came at him like a bat out of hell. Jax barely had a chance to react as a small but powerful fist connected with his sternum, and a second on his diaphragm, winding him completely, as he doubled over, two fists came flying towards his face, one connecting with his nose, and a second under his chin, snapping his head up. He managed to land another hit to her side, but it cost him his balance and over Jax went. Happy was on Pixie in a flash snatching her up and hauling her back away from Jax who lay on his back gasping in shock and the Sons let out surprised yells and cheers. Pixie struggled against Happy's hold on her for a second before she relaxed, calming down.

Juice jumped the ropes and came to Pixie's side as Happy turned her around to look at her face which looked like it was going to bruise already. "You okay?" Juice chirped, "You completely flattened Jax!" He laughed in awe as Juice looked over to where Tig and Chibs were hauling Jax to his feet, blood pouring out of his nose and his face still mildly surprised at what had just occurred.

"I'm great, told you I'd knock him on his ass." Pixie smiled, bouncing on her feet slightly as the adrenaline coursed through her.

"Tig, is Jax good?" Juice said, relieved that Pixie was fine, and a little concerned for Jax who had taken some harsh hits that none of them had been expecting to come from Pixie. Despite her small stature, Pixie was all muscle, and they sensed she'd had some intense fight training too. Pixie watched as Jax, face covered in blood, was checked over by the Scotsman and the man with the bright blue eyes and dark curly hair, both of them trying to wipe Jax's face down and steady him.

"Chibs'll check him for a concussion, though he may need an ice pack for his self-esteem." The man with the blue eyes, Tig, informed them with a grin. "Nice hits, Pixie, where'd you learn to fight?" he asked, intrigued by the young woman.

"Thanks. I had boxing lessons from a retired professional boxer since the age of four. He was a Highton Son too." Pixie smiled at the compliment and she thought back on the man she'd viewed as a second father figure and a doting uncle. It hurt her heart thinking about him, but Pixie pushed past it.

"I want another round with you. I'm not done." Jax growled, glaring at Pixie. He spat some blood out and Pixie raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Jax, I don't think you want that, mate. You're already hurt, and I'm not here to take you down completely. Trust me, you've done better than half the guys that have stepped into the ring with me before." Pixie described, worried for Jax's well-being, she didn't particularly feel like offing the son of JT.

"I can handle myself." Jax grunted, pushing Tig and Chibs off of him. Pixie looked worriedly up at them, and then Happy and Juice, trying to gauge the situation.

"What are the rules here? You guys aren't going to jump me if I take Jax down again are you?" Pixie asked, slightly nervously. "I only want to prove my worth to you guys, that was the deal here. I don't want to K.O. anyone." She explained, trying to make her motives clear. She wasn't trying to make enemies.

"If Jax wants to take you on again, I'm fine with that." Clay decided, his words bearing the finality that only a president could. "I'm enjoying this." He grinned and puffed on his cigar. "Kick her ass to the curb, Jax." He ordered, making it painfully obvious to Pixie that she was on her own here. She turned her attention to Jax, who gave her a nod.

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