Money Matters

2.1K 70 12

WARNING: Blood & Gore

Pixie, Tig, Juice and Chibs pulled into the lot after seeing Opie off at his shift down at the Lumber Yard. They switched off their bikes and Pixie texted Lowell to say she was on-site if he needed anything before she headed inside. Bobby and Clay were waiting for them at the bar with Jax and the three guys cheered as Pixie walked through the door.

"There's the champ, how you feeling, miss fifty k?" Bobby grinned, gently patting her on the shoulder.

"Pretty good, thanks." Pixie grinned. "You doing okay today, Presley?"
"Fine and dandy." Bobby chuckled.

"We need to head into church to discuss how we're gettin the rest of the cash." Clay announced.

"Am I okay to come listen?" Pixie asked. "I wanna help, plus I know how to deal with the Irish." There was a heavy pause as the others looked like children caught red handed. "Seriously, you guys thought you'd be able to hide the fact you're dealing with the IRA for this long?" Pixie raised an eyebrow.

"How'd ye find out?" Chibs asked.

"Tig." Pixie answered.

"By accident!" Tig added hastily as Chibs stared daggers at him.

"And also the Irish addresses on the AK barrels were a pretty big giveaway. I'm not happy about the fact I was lied to, or that the clubs involved with IRA associates, but I get why you guys did it, and it isn't exactly my place to frown upon club deals." Pixie continued. "So unless you want this place to get lit up like New Years day, you need to get the other thirty k together, plus the added interest to keep the Irish happy, and I wanna help with that."

There was another pause until Jax decided to jump in. "Well a'ight, let's go." He got up and put an arm around Pixie's shoulders, which seemed to galvanise the other men who got up and followed. They got into the church and took their seats, Pixie sitting down in between Chibs and Tig again.

"So, we pulled together one hundred and twenty k, and Pixie got us fifty, so all we need now is thirty and that should meet McKeevy's demand." Clay reminded everyone, so they were all on the same page.

"Here's five K for the gig I did in Loughlin." Bobby nodded, putting the money down next to the leather bag on the table. "Put that in the pot."

"Twenty-five K." Clay nodded.

"McKeevy needs his cash by tomorro' night, that's as far as I could push tha' deadline, but Pixie's right, he'll be expecting interest for the delay and trouble."

"I'd add another twenty K to the twenty-five. He'll bullshit and say petrol costs and whatever, that's what happened at Highton certainly."

"Aye." Chibs nodded.

"So the bastards want forty-five K?" Clay asked.

"That's what you get for dealing with these types of people." Pixie shrugged.

"Well there's one person we could ask." Clay thought aloud. "The Porn Queen."

"Otto's old lady?" Tig asked, leaning closer to the table.

"Gemma says Luann's picking up two G's a week from ad revenue from her website."

"Yeah. Factor in membership fees and downloads, she's making three times that much." Juice nodded.

"You should have Gemma talk to Luann. They're tight, keep us out of it." Jax nodded. He caught Pixie's scrunched up face. "What?"

"This is kinda our shit to deal with, plus Luann's got enough on her plate trying to compete with her rival porn guy."

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