Fun Town: Chapter 8

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The prospects found a secluded patch in a dried out river bed that would be suitable for the grave as there were less tree roots to contend with. Pixie took off her kutte, hanging it on a tree branch and began to dig, Half-Sack followed suit, eyeing her warily. They dug in silence until Half-Sack couldn't take it any longer.

"Pixie?" He asked, his own voice startling him, it sounded so loud compared to the silence of the forest and the distant cicadas. Pixie looked up.


"You both scare and fascinate me, I just thought I'd let you know." Half-Sack admitted.

Pixie smiled. "Thanks, mate. I think you do the same for me."

Half-Sack looked taken aback. "Really? I don't think I scare people. I'm a bit of a push over." He said glumly. "But you, you don't take shit from nobody. That I respect."

"Well, I think you think too little of yourself, mate. You're a good fighter, I saw you take down that guy at the carnival, that was cool."


"Hell yeah, dude."

"I'm nothing compared to you though, I have too many weaknesses. I mean shit, I miss half the time I shoot a gun and you did that amazing shot."

Pixie stopped digging. "You stop talking like that right now, you hear me? Your weaknesses are what make you strong. They make you human. Having weaknesses gives you the drive to improve, to do better. If you had no weaknesses, you would have no passion, and you wouldn't be as good of a person as you are. Use your perceived weaknesses as your advantages."

"What do you mean?" Half-Sack said, puzzled.

"For instance, I'm short, that makes me faster and harder to hit in the ring than you big burly guys. I can't run fast, so I learnt to stay put and battle it out. I'm emotional, that makes me protective and kind and makes me determined to make the people I care about feel good. I have issues with authority, so I speak up when I see an issue or a problem and I stand up for others who need someone in their corner, I make myself a good leader."

"I think I get it." Half-Sack said, thinking. "What do I do with the fact that I'm scrawny, shy, and stupid?" Half-Sack chuckled sadly. "There isn't much you can do."

"Oh yes there is, buddy." Pixie said adamantly. "So you're skinny, that makes you fast, use your speed for running and fighting. You will automatically have the upper hand on heavier opponents, they'll be slower, so if you stay one step ahead of them, you'll be able to see openings and land hits faster than they can move. Remember my fight with Jax? I was lucky I didn't end up fighting you or Juice as we'd be more evenly matched and I'd have to focus more on using my strength, rather than my speed."

"I-I didn't think of it like that." Half-Sack said, taken aback.

"Next, you said you're shy? That's really good. That makes you a natural observer, use that and you'll pick up on nuances and situations faster than the louder guys in the group. You'll be better at stealth and tailing people because you're naturally quiet and opt for spaces where people won't see you. You're also naturally cautious, you won't leap head first into a situation where you don't know people or the risk factors and you weigh your options better."

"That's true. You're really good at this." He grinned.

"I'm not done yet." Pixie smiled. "Lastly, you think you're stupid? Trust me, you're way smarter than you give yourself credit for. Just because you aren't book-smart, or don't have the worldly experience of some of the other Sons, doesn't make you stupid. It just means you have more space to learn. You're also smart in other areas too, you're streetwise, otherwise you wouldn't be a Son, prospect or not. You're good with weapons and machinery, that means you're good at doing runs, knowing the limits of the vehicle you're driving and the weapons you may have to use. You were a soldier too, that makes you disciplined, brave, and knowledgeable on the battlefield. You'll automatically look for trouble and see threats way faster than some of the other Sons who have never served."

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