Pilot Episode: Chapter 4

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Once all the Sons had arrived into the chapel, Clay waited until everyone had quietened down and had taken their seats around the huge redwood reaper table. "So, thoughts on the kid?" He announced to the group as they settled, taking drinks of beer and lighting a few cigarettes.

"She's got spirit. Feisty wee bugger I'll give her that." Chibs chuckled, thinking over what he'd seen of Pixie so far.

"Definitely a fighter, when we were sparring, she suddenly got this glint in her eye that said she wouldn't stop until I was making friends with the mat." Jax put in, sounding impressed, if a little frustrated that he hadn't won, and was already thinking of ways to best Pixie in the ring.

"And she did just that. Shows she's capable of taking down threats and standing up for herself." Bobby spoke up, replaying the astonishing match in his head as he took a drag of his cigarette.

"She's dedicated too. I mean Vice President at twenty-two? That's unheard of. When did she prospect in?" Tig thought aloud, rubbing his chin.

"Sixteen. We got talking when I was getting her ready for the fight." Juice put in, shoulders hunching slightly as he wasn't used to having a voice at the table.

"Jesus. That makes me feel old." Piney grumbled, pushing his oxygen tube a little closer to his nose.

"Piney, everything makes you feel old. You're fucking ancient." Tig chuckled and ducked from the box of cigarettes Piney chucked at him.

"She say anything else?" Clay asked, intrigued, smoking his fat cigar and looking down at the wooden reaper.

"Uh, apparently she's a bit of a prankster and a joker, part of the reason she got the nickname 'Pixie'."

Jax smirked. "I thought so, she's as cocky as anything, so if she stays, we'll have to keep her busy or she'll end up a troublemaker for us." He warned, though he sounded like he was looking forward to seeing what she could get up to.

"I think that could be entertaining. She's gorgeous too, I mean those hazel eyes? Raven hair? Beautiful." Tig mused, looking around the table to see if anyone else agreed.

"Has Tiggy got a crush?" Bobby joked and the table erupted in "oooh's"

"Nah, well, I'm just saying." Tig muttered, looking a little flustered.

"Being a prankster shows intelligence, you've got to be able to plan and know the people you're working with for it to be effective, so she's got to be observant too." Jax theorised, thinking about Pixie's potential uses for Samcro.

"What about her emotional state?" Clay questioned. "I mean the last thing we need is for her to get all teary-eyed and gooey if we have to do something serious." He grunted, still unsure about a woman being a Son.

"I don't think she's like that." Chibs countered. "Pixie seems ta be on top of her emotions and is in a hell of a better shape than I'd be if what happened ta her, happened ta me. Hell, I don't know what I'd feckin' do. I was a wreck tha last time I had a run-in with tha IRA. That's how I ended up here. I feel fer the lass, I really do. We're all she's got now." Chibs spoke from his heart, feeling a connection to Pixie and wanting to help her.

"I second that. I checked in with her about it and she says she has a way of locking down her emotions whilst she's focusing on what she needs to do to get the job done, and to get to safety, then she lets it out." Juice elaborated, leaning forwards against the table on his forearms. "I told her I'd be there for her if she needed because I couldn't imagine having to deal with that alone. If we don't help her, she's going to go into a tailspin." Juice warned worriedly, he too felt like he could have a strong bond with Pixie, and didn't want her to go.

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