Recon Team

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Pixie wandered up the lot to the garage looking for Tig, finding him with his shirt off punching the punching bag so hard it was swinging like a pendulum. Pixie bit her lip, watching him, seeing how riled up he was and it worried her deeply.

"Tiggy, honey?" Pixie said gently as she approached. "Everyone's back at the clubhouse."

"Shit, I was supposed to call a meet for Clay."

"He's not here, but he is on his way, that's why I came up here." Pixie explained, grabbing a towel from the storage box and wiping Tig's chest. "You don't usually get like this unless somethin's bothering you."

"I'm fine, baby." Tig tried to assure her, taking off his boxing glove with his teeth.

Pixie put her head to one side. "No you're not. I can always tell when you lie."


"That's for me to know only, last thing I want is for you to figure it out." Pixie smiled, kissing Tig's chest. "Now tell me what's up, tough guy."

"Later, we need to get everyone ready for church." Tig deflected.


"Later." Tig grunted, moving past Pixie to grab his shirt. Pixie moved in front of him, eyes sparkling with worry.

"Please." She whispered desperately, whatever it was was something big and something bad for Tig to shut her out.

Tig's heart broke at the panic and concern on Pixie's face. "I promise I'll tell you, but I just can't right now, I need you to be okay with that."

Pixie nodded. "If you're sure, I'm always here for you, Tiggy, no matter what, okay?"

Tig smiled as he buttoned up his shirt. "I know, you're the best thing in my life, babe." He kissed her hard. "And I got you too, no matter what, I'm here."

Pixie kissed him before passing his rings over from the bench, watching as Tig put them on before he grabbed her hand and they walked back down to the clubhouse together. As soon as Pixie came through the doors, Jax bounded up to her.

"Guess what?" He grinned.

"You figured out that belts are supposed to keep your jeans on above your hips?" Pixie quipped, making the other's chuckle.

"No, brat. Abel's comin' home this evenin'." He grinned.

Pixie let out a yip of joy and jumped at Jax. "That's amazing!" She hugged him tight as the others let out cheers of congratulations too and came to pat him on the back.

"I'm really hyped, Gemma's back at my place setting up all the decorations and shit, we're gonna have a welcome home party for the little guy, that way everyone can meet him finally." Jax explained happily.

"That's gonna be so fun!" Pixie smiled. "Have you invited Happy?"

"You think he'd wanna come?"

"It's worth an ask, he is family after all."

Jax nodded. "How 'bout you ask him after Church?"

"Sure, Jackie, I'll ask Hap to come to your party." Pixie giggled. "Now I know why Bobby was always on the phone. I wish he could be here too." Pixie said sadly. "Clubhouse isn't the same without him."

"I know what ye mean." Chibs nodded, putting his arm around her. "We'll get him back soon as we can."

"I know, I just hope he's okay in there."

"Hey, Muson's tough as shit, he'll be okay, baby." Tig soothed, outside the sound of a motorcycle gunning into the lot broke through the hubbub of the room. "Right, Church, Clay's orders." Tig announced. Pixie weaved through everyone and grabbed the phone box and opened the church doors so the men could start filing in. when Opie passed he just patted her shoulder.

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