Truck Troubles

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WARNING: mention of blood.

Pixie and Jax pulled in and got the attention of Chibs, Opie and Tig who were smoking outside.

"Jesus!" Tig exclaimed, throwing his cigarette down as Pixie stood up from her bike and took her helmet off, she had blood streaks all over her arms, her t-shirt was caked with blood and her bandage was a dark red. "Babe!"

"It's not mine, don't worry." Pixie said as she and Jax came over. The others noted Jax's hands which were caked with dried blood and the streaks on his shirt and jeans.

"Tha' two 'o' ye were only gone fer two hours, how the feck did ye manage this?!" Chibs exclaimed.

"What the fuck happened?" Opie added. Hearing the commotion, Juice and Clay came rushing out the clubhouse.

"We ran into some trouble one one of the back roads, dude in a tanker truck was attacked and abandoned at the scene, Pixie and I helped get him off the hood." Jax explained, going into further detail as they headed inside and he began washing his hands in the sink at the bar, taking off his shirt too. "The guy said 'Nordics' to Pixie and I found a baggie of meth in the foot well of the cab." Jax took the baggy out of his jeans and tossed it onto the counter.

"You said it was a tanker?" Tig asked, when Pixie nodded, he continued. "Darby runs his meth lab out of Diesel yard in Pope." Tig explained, watching as Juice started wiping Pixie's arms down with wet wipes, nose wrinkled in slight panic for his sister and the mess.

"It's where all the mill drivers score their crank." Opie added, taking a drag of his cigarette. Juice put the wipes down for a second and examined the baggy when he spotted it on the bar top.

"This is definitely Darby's shit." He nodded. "This rock's been stepped on so many times it's barely a narcotic." Juice dropped the baggy on the counter again in disgust, then went back to cleaning up Pixie's arms and hands. Pixie let him, knowing this was his way of calming himself down and showing he cared.

Tig shook his head and growled. "See, Darby's making his move into Charming, dealing at that lumber mill." Tig looked over at Pixie for a moment before he smacked his hand down on the bar. "Clay, we gotta send this Nazi asshole a clear message. Now." Tig growled out, he thought about the trouble the Nords could cause if they breached the Charming boundary, and the potential threat they could pose to Pixie, Juice and all of the other minorities living there.

"A'ight." Jax said sharply before Tig lost it. "How 'bout we just go talk to the driver, confirm where he got the meth?" Jax offered.

Clay considered it. "Go." He nodded.

"Might wanna go change first, don't think the guy'll appreciate two people coming in looking like extras from 'Shaun of the Dead'." Pixie suggested, pointing to the blood on Jax's jeans and the fact that her shirt was soaked still.

Jax chuckled. "Yeah, true."

The two of the darted off to their respective dorms, coming out a minute later with a fresh change of clothes and bloody laundry for the hamper. Pixie had opted for a black and white striped set of skinny jeans, a loose fitting hot pink top with a graphic print of a pink ice cream cat and pink studded converse. Jax chuckled when he saw Pixie's shirt.

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