Chapter 8

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Mal sighed. "I hate how they are both way too stubborn! But we definitely won't leave things like that!" the other two nodded.

"Anyway, does anyone want to go and eat somewhere?" Evie asked.

"I actually need to go and check if Bella's alright cause Mrs. Potts is looking after her the whole morning."

"No problems. What about you Jane?"

"Umm, I completely forgot Carlos and I have a date, so I need to go but I'll see you later!"

"Okay..." the blue-haired girl looked at her belly. "So, it's only me, you and some food."


"Hello, Mrs. Potts!" Mal said when she got back to the castle again.

"Oh, queen Mal! Nice to see you're here. Isabella is sleeping, by the way, she's the cutest and calmest child I've ever seen! And believe me, I work with children really often. That just reminded me of how naughty was king Ben as a child." The purple-haired girl chuckled.

"Good. You are a very big help right now! I really appreciate your assistance. Anyway, see you later."


Jane quickly ran to the cafe where the date was supposed to be. "I'm a bit late sorry!" she mumbled and hugged Carlos when she saw him.

"Don't worry! Let me guess, Mal, Evie, and maybe Lonnie were with you the whole morning."  the boy said.

"Yup. Have you ordered something?"

"Two pumpkin lattes. But I didn't eat or drink anything without you...or not much...well, maybe I drank a huge cup of hot chocolate...and a banana milkshake...and two orange juices...and I had that super small vanilla ice cream...and last I had this little cake...actually, I ordered some coffee too and it came with-"

"Okay Carlos, I get it. I must have been here earlier, so you don't eat that much food but I wasn't so let's just move on."


Evie went to a fast food restaurant and got some pizza, surprisingly, she didn't put jam or chocolate on it which kinda made this her most normal meal from about eight months. She quickly ate one slice, then another, and soon the whole pizza was gone, then she got another one and was just about to take a third when Doug called.

"Is it important?" she asked.

"Well, kinda..."

"Actually, if you aren't heavily hurt and there isn't a fire at home it can wait!"

"Where are you?"

"Eating pizza. Why?"

"You have a doctor's appointment today. I found the note when I was cleaning the table in the studio."

"Please tell me that it's not in ten minutes!"

"No, it isn't!"


"...because it's in thirteen..."

"Ahhh, now I'll have to run like my life depends on this!

"Well, it sort of does cause twin pregnancy can be-"

"Bye Doug!"

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