Chapter 28

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Jane and Audrey were talking, apologizing for things and hugging. On the other hand, Mal was feeling worse and worse, her eyes were getting greener. The two girls couldn't agree on something and asked their purple-haired friend but she fainted. "Mal? Oh my God, Mal wake up." Jane was saying while Mal's vision was blurring. The next time she opened her eyes she was in a hospital. Everyone was around her. "Oh, she's awake!"

"W-what?" Mal asked trying to remember something.

"You fainted. We got worried for you. The doctor will tell us what's going on soon, you must rest though." Ben told her. She nodded.


"I'm not sure where queen Mal's fainting came from. Yet. As you can guess, it's not just the flu or a cold. The whole crew is trying to find out what is happening but it is compl-"

"You're telling us you have no idea why is that happening? Aren't you a little concerned. That's your queen for God's sake!" Audrey threatened the doctor. "If the media finds out about this it won't end good for you, you know."

"You must understand we're doing our best! It is not our fault that Queen Mal is mysteriously fainting and I get she's your friend but get this from the point of the hospital - we can't just take a wand and with a bobbitty bow-"

"It's bibbitty bobbitty boo." Jane corrected.

"Whatever. We need time to be sure for what's wrong. I'm sorry but there are other patients that are waiting."

"Wow. He's rude." Carlos said.

"Wait, guys we are forgetting that Mal isn't only human. Her magic is powerful and it can probably control her." Jane suggested.

"So, something like her magical side is calling her?" Ben asked.


"That's quite a weird idea, but we have nothing else." Audrey joined.

"Shall we tell Evie about this?" Carlos asked.

"I'm pretty sure she's busy right now."


"Doug, we have been driving from eight hours and we haven't got out even from Auradon's province."

"I know, it just takes time, alright?"

"Okay, but get in mind the fact the twins will wake up soon and and haven't taken earplugs, so you must either listen to them crying for hours or finding a faster way."


"This is ridiculous. I'm fine." Mal was arguing with a nurse. "I won't stay in a hospital when I don't feel sick."

Ben came into the room to check on his wife. "What is going on?"

"I'm sorry your majesty but your wife wants to leave the hospital."


"What? I'm feeling better!"

"No, you're staying." she pouted. "Until we know what's going on this is the best option."

"Ugh, fine."

"Don't get upset, I'll make sure to bring Bella tommorow."

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