Chapter 42

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"Hey." Jane said.

"Hey." Carlos replied. The two held their hands and walked around the park for a while.

"I need to tell you something. But I think it will be better if we sit down." they did. "Carlos, we've been together for more than a year and it was the most amazing one of my life, and now I'm not sure if I should tell you what is going on because I know I can't take it back..."

"...Are you breaking up with me?" the boy asked quietly and confused.

"It's not that...I...I'm...pregnant. You're the father." there was a moment of silence. "See, it's all my fault and I wish I haven't told you-"

He stopped her. "Jane, I'm surprised but I'm not disappointed or mad. We are young and yeah, this might not be the best time for kids. But we can do it."

"Are you sure? This will be huge for both of us."

"I know. But I love you." he took her hand. "And I always will. Nothing changes that." They kissed.


Evie and Doug were watching a movie. Suddenly, they heard a cry from upstairs. "That's Ellie." Evie stated. "It's your turn, it was me the last time."

"No, it wasn't. Last time the crying stopped before you went upstairs. That doesn't count as a turn."

"It actually does. There's no way I'm getting up from my place this time."

"Come on, you know if one of them cries-" that was interrupted by the other two babies.

"they all wake up. I know."

"You're seriously going to let me deal with three kids while you're watching Frozen?"

"Fine." she paused the TV. "I'll get some milk.


"Shhhh, don't cry. We're here. Yeah. I'm here." Evie tried to calm down her daughters and niece.

"Caramel apple flavored milk? Never knew that existed." Doug whispered.

"I didn't either, until it was on sale. Pass a bottle." he gave it to her. She tried to feed one of her daughters with it, but the baby spitted it out in her face. "Seriously? It can't be that bad, Dalia." she took a sip. "Okay, I take my words back. I should really stop buying everything I find in the supermarket."

"Doug, can you bring three normal bottles of milk over here?"

"Yeah, sure."


Mal checked the time for like the hundredth time in the past few hours. "Don't worry. I'm sure Bella's alright."

"I wasn't checking because of that. I trust Evie..."

"Mal, I know when you're lying." Ben said.

"Okay, fine. I just think three might be too much even for Evie and Doug."

"Nah, I'm pretty sure they're handling the situation just fine."


All of the girls were still crying. "Why is there no normal milk?!" Evie exclaimed.

"Don't ask me. You were the one shopping this week."

"God, why did I say I can handle this?"

"Can't you breastfeed them?"

"There's three of them. Why don't you try?"

"You know what, maybe we should call Ben and Mal."

"No, we can do this somehow. I promise.
I have to admit it will be a long night though."

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