Chapter 31

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"Okay, okay. We're going to be calm and think." Jay said. "Nope, we're gonna panic."

"The nearest gas station is at least two hours from here. It means we need to find a hospital near here."

"Or we can try to stop a car and ask the people in it to drive us."

"Remember we argued if I should give birth in a hospital? Well, long as I remember what you said, giving birth in car isn't a good option."

"Wait, isn't that a hospital over there?"

"I suppose."


"Hello, you got the flu, a cold or you just want to skip school?" a nurse said.

"Not quite. I'm in labor."

"Oh, in this case I would have to make you leave." Lonnie gave a surprised look. "This hospital haven't had anyone to give birth from fifteen years."

"Well, we can't go anywhere cause it's too late. Please help." Jay told her.

"Still, everyone has a first time." Lonnie said. The nurse sighed and agreed.


It was kind of hard for Evie to fit in the family, but at least the twins kept her busy with changing diapers. The dwarfs were going to play association game, but she lied that her head hurts and will try to get some rest. The blue-haired girl sat on the stairs. Daisy appeared out of nowhere. "Don't want to play, huh?"

"Yeah, I thought this would've been easier. But I was wrong. It won't be the first time."

"You mean, everyone pointing out you're a villain."

"Yup, I get I can't just pretend my past doesn't exist, but it's a little too much."

"Wait, until you see the room mom has decorated for you - it's dark, and spooky and there is an evil clown puppet with glowing eyes that comes out of a pumpkin."

"Seems like she put the Halloween decorations twice this year."

"I know this might sound odd, but I think I know you from somewhere."

"I don't know, I'm just the stupid Evelyn Grimhilde wh-"

"Oh my God, you are Evie from Evie's four hearts! You have no idea how much I've dreamt of meeting you! I mostly read stuff about you though, so maybe that's why I didn't recognize you immediately. But I'm so excited! I'm fond of fashion, you have no idea how. Do you want to check some sketches I made?" Evie's face lit up. Finally someone who understood at least something about her. The little girl was on the seventh heaven and her sister-in-law was amazed by some of her ideas.

"Gosh, you're so talented. If you ever thought what you want to do after graduation remember there will be a place for you in the business.

"Seriously?" Daisy asked amazed. "Oh my God! This us the best day of my life!!!" Evie was giggling while the girl was jumping from joy. "Have I ever told you that I think being a VK's cool? Did you know I actually wanna dye my hair blue?"

Did you know you are adorable?" right at that moment one of the babies started crying. "I'll be in a minute. One of them is probably hungry."

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