Chapter 22

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"Do you think this is a good outfit?" Jane asked nervously.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Carlos replied while switching through channels on TV and rubbing Dude's belly.

"What about my hair? It's a total mess!"

"As I said, don't stress about this. I mean, will a bunch of preschoolers care if you're with a prom dress or in your pajamas? Absolutely n-"

"Of course they will! Carlos, this is serious! It's my first day at work!"

"Believe me they'll need months to remember your name not even talking about outfits."

"You're so lazy these days! Where did my sweet boyfriend go?"

"You're not thinking of breaking up with me, are you?"

"Hmm, maybe."

"Nah, I can tell when you're lying."

"Oh, you really underestimate my power when I get angry."

"Fine. How about I do your nails?"


"Yeah, back on the isle I was my mother's full stylist including makeup and nail art. Don't wanna brag but I'm pretty good." Jane chuckled.

"Okay, but quickly cause my first class starts in half an hour."


"Good morning! I'm Miss Jane and I'll be your teacher this year." Jane introduced herself. "Now, who wants to say something about themselves?" the room was silent. "...Like tell me what's your name, what you like." still no one. "Okay, I'll choose." she pointed a boy.

"H...Hello my name is Peter and my mom is Pocahontas."

"Nice to meet you. What about you?" Jane said looking at a girl.

"My name is Tessa and that over there is my twin Nia. Our mom is Tiana."


Time was passing by and children were introducing themselves. Everything was going fine until it was a villain kid's turn.

"My name is Harper and I'm the daughter of the queen of hearts." a few kids gasped. This was actually the first year VKs were officially having classes at Auradon.

"My name is Steve and my dad is Scar." another kid joined.

"Ugh, your parents are villains. That is so awful!" Amber, Audrey's little sister exclaimed.

Not so long after that, the whole class had separated into two groups - VKs and AKs. Jane started to panic because the idea of opening the barrier was to not judge each other and to work things out together and now a group of so little kids was doing the exact opposite. "Can you please give me a second, please?" she asked and walked out of the classroom. She ran to her house. "I messed this all up."

"What?" Carlos asked.

"Everything. The kids are fighting with each other for who they are."

"Okay, we'll fix this. For a starter, let's don't leave children on their own in a room with things that are dangerous."

The two came back. "I'm sorry I was gone for a while but I bring you a special guest - Carlos Devil!"

"Like Cruella Devil?" A kid asked. He nodded.

"There are some perks of being a villain kid." all children's eyes were the size of a donut. "Yeah, like you can buy stuff cheaper because everyone's thinking you'll steal it otherwise. God, no that's not a perk don't use it! Umm, what I mean is you are independent because your parents are never by your side and they think you're useless..." some were already crying. Jane glared at him.

"No no no, what he means to say is not all villains are bad. And so can you. It doesn't matter who your parents are. You are not them. We all choose who we are, alright?" Jane explained.

"So, being a VK can be cool?" Rapunzel's daughter asked.


"Then I wanna be one!"

The couple giggled. "Okay, so let's get back to studying. Does anyone know the colors of the rainbow?" There were a bunch of hands.

"You know, I think I have caused enough damage. I'll go. See you later." Carlos whispered. "Good luck!"

Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't updated in quite a while I've been busy with school.
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