Chapter 30

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Lonnie and Jay have arrived at a stadium and have taken their places. The person with hot dogs was near them. "Three please." Lonnie said. She turned to Jay. "Sorry, did you want some?" He sighed and ordered one more.

"So, I want you to stay as calm as possible. Don't get too excited."

"We're on a stadium, surrounded by people screaming, fighting and jumping. I don't know about you but I'm gonna have fun." and she started cheering.


"Are we there yet?" Evie asked.


"You said that eight hours ago."

"I know, but this time we're really close." Soon a big and in the same time not too modern house appeared. "As I said this time we're close. And I'm glad I didn't get a speeding ticket because we were driving too fast."

The blue-haired girl started carefully getting her sleeping babies out of the car. "Ah, it's so nice here."

"Wait, till you see my relatives." Doug said and opened the door.

The whole big family of the seven dwarfs, their wives and children yelled "Surprise!" it was accompanied with two loud cries. The twins have woken up. "You must be Evie! I am Donna - Doug's mom. He had told us a lot about you."

"Oh, he did?" she said looking at him.

"Yes, he did. Only good things, of course." Dopey joined.

"So, these are our granddaughters! Can I hug them?" Doug's mother asked. Evie nodded and gave her the kids. "Come here, granny wants to see you two. They are not going to spell me, right?"

"No. None of us uses spells. Especially those two." the blue-haired girl responded quickly.

"That is nice to hear. We were just going to have lunch. Come and join us!" Dopey said.

They went in the dining room and Evie started handshaking with everyone. Finally she got to a little girl with blue-green eyes and dirty blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She was maybe about eight and looked a lot like Doug. "I'm Daisy. Doug's sister."

"Nice to meet you. I love your dress by the way." she turned to Doug. "You never told me you had a sister."

"Didn't I? I must've forgotten."

Donna went to the kitchen for a minute. "Here is the dessert for today. Specifically for Evie - apple pie. Certainly not poisonous though."

"Oh, that is so kind of yours, but you shouldn't have."

"Don't be silly, honey! It was easy to make." she said as she put a big piece on her plate.

Evie wanted to make good first impression, so she took her fork and pretended to enjoy the food. 'This is going to be a long day.' she thought and took another bite.


The game has ended and the couple was heading to their car when Lonnie felt a little water going down her leg. She cursed under her breath. "Lons, bad news we're out of gas." Jay told her.

"Want to hear something worse? My water broke."

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