Jarlos wedding

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Girls' POV

"Oh God, I'm getting married." Jane said.

"Are you panicking? There's nothing to be scared of." Evie asked helping the girl to put on her dress. "Plus you've been to two weddings you know how it goes."

"Yeah, but nobody looks at the bridesmaids. Now everyone we'll be looking at me."

"Okay Jane, calm down and remember that if you mess up something so will Carlos. And you'll both laugh. You are both clumsy."

"But what if trip over?"

"You're wearing flats." Mal, Evie and Lonnie said at the same time.

"What if Carlos says he doesn't want to marry me? "

"He wants to." they all joined again.

"What if my mom isn't ready?"

"You live with Carlos. Think she knew one day or another this will happen."

"Okay, what if I forget what to say?"

"We have Evie for that. She'll be mouthing your words." Mal replied.

"Yup, I know everything from start to finish."

"I just thought of something..." Lonnie started. "Someone owes me 20 bucks."

"From where-" Jane was confused a little but then remembered. "Evie's wedding." The other girl nodded. The bride sighed and went to her purse. "We're never going to stop betting on things, are we?"

"Not a chance."

Boys' POV

"Okay, why do I feel so nervous? I'm getting married to the love of my life." Carlos asked.

"Because it's a big step. But you are lucky." Ben responded.

"I am?"

"Yeah, you are. You don't have a crazy father-in-law, who wants to kill you." Doug joined.

"In fact, you don't have one at all, but that's not the point. As we remember the previous weddings, we must get going cause being late isn't an option." Jay reminded the group.


Everyone got at the place, which was a garden with chairs and decorated with flowers, and was getting ready. Even Cruella DeVil was there. Evie, typically for her was circling around making sure everything's perfect. Mal went over to Belle and Adam, who were watching all of the kids to check if they're okay. "Do you need help?" she asked.

"Nah, don't worry, honey, we're doing great." Belle told her with Adam behind her mouthing 'It's a disaster.'

"You sure?"

"Okay, maybe we do. We need to find out which one of these cuties had an accident in their diaper."

Meanwhile, Evie passed Lonnie a basket with flowers made from tissues. "What is that for?" the brunette asked.

"Believe me, it'll come in handy. Just wait."

Finally, the people took places, the ceremony started and the music changed. The guys saw that Carlos is very worried and excited in the same time. Jane went down the aisle. As Fairy Godmother saw her, she teared up. Lonnie passed her the basket. "Thanks." the woman quietly replied and took a tissue.

"Told ya." Evie whispered in her friend's ear.

"We are here today, to witness how these two people..." barely managed to say in between sobs seeing that her little girl maybe isn't that little anymore.

The bridesmaids exchanged some worried looks. Mal came up with a plan. She changed places with the fairy. "Um, as it was already said we are here to witness how these two people agree to share everything they have and support each other in good, and bad. Do you Carlos DeVil take Jane Godmother to be your wife?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you Jane Godmother take Carlos DeVil to be your husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Okay, if there is someone who thinks that these two people shouldn't be together speak now or forever hold your peace."

Suddenly, a hole was dug up, probably coming from the underground. Parker
Rooney popped his head out. "That's not the cafeteria, is it?" there were a few sighs, but no one managed to say anything. "I take that as a no." he looked down and shouted. "Joey, change of plans. That's not it." then he looked back at the crowd. "Have luck doing what you're doing!" then he got back in the tunnel he came from.

"Okay...with the power of...magic, I pronounce you husband and wife." Mal said. "You may kiss the bride, but remember you're doing it in front of her mom."

Jane and Carlos quickly kissed. There were cheers.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I really think I'm saying that too much lately. But I'm going to try to finish this book soon, maybe with around 50 chapters. I'm not sure how many yet. Though, there's a little left, so it'll be probably done by the end of the month. See you soon!

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