Chapter 33

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Mal woke up in a room. Maleficent was sitting on chair right in front of her. "Mother. This can't be possible. I...I"

"...killed me. Yeah, I know. Don't worry! I'm not mad at you."

"What is this place and why am I here?"

"Well, I can hardly explain this one. Let's say it's your brain or imagination."

Back to the real world,

"Mal! Mal! Stay with us!" Ben was shouting.

"Come on, sis. You can't leave us!" Evie was crying.

"She is barely breathing." the doctor said.

"Then do something!" Evie screamed.

Mal and Maleficent,

"Why were you calling me?"

"We didn't agree a lot in the past. But I want to help you now."

"With what?"


"Please, Mal!" Evie was screaming. "Please wake up!"

"We're losing her." the doctor told them.

"Mal! Think about Bella." Ben said.

"There is no pulse. Move!" the doctor said.


"I...I have a husband, a daughter and a sister. They need me."

"I know. Just a minute."

"No, I must go."

"Wait, Auradon's in danger."

At that minute she woke up. "Mal!" Evie exclaimed and hugged her tightly.

"E, I can't breathe."

"Sorry." she said. "What was that?"

"My mom was trying to tell me-"

"But Maleficent died!" Ben said.

"Ben, can you get two cups of tea. We need some." He sighed.


"Come on, spill." Evie told Mal as soon as Ben went out of the room.

"She...she wanted to warn me about something. She said Auradon's in danger."

"Are you sure? It's a little unbelievable."

"I know but I'm sure."


Doug was trying to say that Evie isn't feeling well and that's why she locked herself in the bathroom. It was working until his little sister came. "So, if Evie feels so bad why don't I go and bring her some medicine?"

"No no no. She doesn't need such."

"Yeah, sure. She isn't here, is she?"

"Oh, of course she is, I told you - she just doesn't feel good." he said loud enough, so his other relatives can hear. "No, she isn't here, but you must keep it a secret. Her sister isn't okay, so she went check on her. She'll be back soon, so be quiet." he whispered.

"Wow. Now move away from the door." she said whispering too.


"I've watched every single interview and read every single article about her. If anyone can imitate her voice that's me."

"And if you do that where would I tell the others you went?"

"Say a friend called me for a sleepover. Come on, it'll work."

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