My Sex Genie - 5

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                I took a deep, steady breath and felt the weight of the ten-thousand dollar inside my backpack. After my sister agreed for me to hire my own genie because I asked her desperately to stop hiring people to be a part of my life, she really agreed to it on a condition that I should tell her the purpose and objective of hiring such person. Apparently, I realize that hiring people isn't normal. It's completely abnormal and thinking about it clearly, it seems really hard to find a person and say "Hey, want some money in exchange to be my human dog?"

                   So now, I have to be honest...I am nervous to agree to Chace or ask him about his offer. It's kind of...well, weird and egoistically diminishing. I mean, how many people do you encounter every day to be your sex genie? And what the heck is a sex genie? Is it some kind of sex slave? And what do WE do to each other?

                     I actually shiver at the thought of doing the 'things' to Chace. Seriously, I can't even swallow my last piece of PB&J.

                     "Boo!" a hand patted my back and I spun around, pretending to be surprised.

                     "Ah. I'm scared." I rolled my eyes at Lucas and he just grinned and pulled out a chair next to me, his stunning and charming smile was plastered on his lips and he leaned his adorable face on his hand and looked at me with a mischievous face.

                        "What?" I eyed him suspiciously.

                   "Nothing, it's just that...hmmm, a blue bird told me you got a boyfriend." he grinned broadly.

                     "Oh god, did Tom finally killed Jerry?" I groaned at Lucas, "Who told you the impossible?"

                         "No one in particular. And why's that your reaction?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

                    I snorted and stated the obvious, "Lucas, who in their right mind would date a slaughtered pig topped with layers of frozen fat?"

                        Lucas frowned and he cupped my chin, making me freeze, "Hey, don't discriminate yourself. You're pretty."

                     I flushed and quickly turned my gaze away from Lucas, "Yeah...right."

                      Lucas just chuckled next to me and I felt him and the seat move, "Well, i got my class on the dot so I guess I'll see ya later." he patted my head and left me with my heart beating loudly in my chest. Standing up with my insides still turning around, I exited the cafeteria and head to nowhere since I realized my class won't start after an hour.

                   I passed by the football field where I saw the skinny girls in their beautiful clothes and the sexy cheerleaders doing their stunts. They all look beautiful and godly making me feel the pang of jealousy inside me. Why wasn't I born skinny? Why wasn't I made into something perfect like those beautiful girls out there making out with jocks and cool people? Why do I have to be such a pig?

                  "Just a little...I want to lose just a little weight. I just want to be able to reach my toes and I can't even do it! I can't even tie my own shoelace properly. Darn it. Yeah, I have the right to be jealous and envious because look at me! I'm a pig! God!" I muttered under my breath, kicking the poor stones I pass by and ending up under a shady tree, overlooking the football field.

                 "Damn those skinny people. Why can't all the people in the world be twice as large as me so I won't have a hard time making myself look beautiful?"

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