.:Chapter 25:.

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.:The Vampires Slave:.

.:Chapter 25:.

"Where are we going?", I asked casually as he pushed me in front of him. My hands were tied behind my back, the leftover rope securely in Eugenes grasp.

"You'll find out when we get there.", He replied sourly. I wasn't going to get any answers from him then.

I sighed quietly. It served me right, being caught again. A part of me still wanted to turn around, to fling myself at him and fight for my freedom. Which I obviously lost since being tied up. What was the use, though? The other part of me easily slipped into the role of the submissive. I should let Eugene have his revenge. I was ruining the lives of others, one at a time. That was over now. I would let others win from now on.

"Ugh...", I was swiftly yanked out of my thoughts as I tripped on a vine and fell face first into a clear stream of water. Tiny bubbles drifted past my eyes as panic started to rise in me. Was I really going to drown? I inhaled sharply after Eugene finally grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me out of my watery grave.

"God. Are you stupid?", He asked angrily, completely oblivious to my near-death experience. "Can't you walk?!"

My only answer consisted of me spitting and gasping for the air I'd be nothing without. Anger rose in me, how dare he speak to me like that? It wasn't my fault. I was going to snap back at him, though I quietly calmed down. At least my face was clean now. More or less, anyways.

"Are.. Are you okay?", He asked slowly, eyeing me. I guess my calmness sort of put him off. I nodded, hoping we would soon get wherever he needed to go with me. Maybe he was really nice after all... "Then get back up and walk, Idiot."

Maybe he wasn't nice in the least. Though I wouldn't be nice either, to someone who stole my horse.

We continued to walk for what seemed like hours. In the whole time I oddly found myself missing Batillus' company. Though what would Eugene think if he found me talking to what seemed like nothing but air to him? It wouldn't do any good to have him with me anyways. I'd only have to listen to his constant bickering about how he told me not to go inside back there. Well, no thank you. After that little mental chat with myself, I felt much better having something positive from Batillus' absence.

After another hour, we finally arrived in a large village. Oddly, the villagers didn't spare us a glance as they moved about, rebuilding barns and whatever buildings had damage. I guessed we were much closer to the heart of the kingdom than we had been when we met early this morning. Or shortly after midnight for all I knew.

I smiled as I saw a group of kids drawing pictures with sticks on the patches of dried dirt which littered the path. They seemed so innocent, oblivious to the aftermath of a seemingly secret war around them. The further we traveled into the village, the harder it got to ignore the smell of freshly baked bread which sat on tables in front of a bakery we passed. My stomach growled loudly. I began to wonder why Eugene wasn't hungry again. Though maybe he was. I didn't know.

"She's danger to those around her!"

I turned in time with Eugene to see what the commotion was about. An older woman, dressed in a washed out dress and covered in bright scarves limped toward us, her white hair was flying behind her.

"Get her away from this village! She's touched by death!", Her frantic screams filled the street, causing those within ear-shot to stop and stare at us. Who was this woman? What was she talking about?

"Who are you?", Eugene asked calmly, hoping to quiet her before the whole village came running. She glared at me, before she turned to him.

"I am the village Shaman. Get this girl away from here. You are not welcome here. The both of you aren't. So you better get out now. We don't want her here.", She spat, glaring at me whilst she spoke.

"We're just passing through, lady.", Eugene muttered, a glare matching hers hitting her hard. She spat on the ground before us, then turned and walked away.

"Until noon. Be gone before noon.", We heard her say as she moved farther away.

We turned and continued to walk on ahead, acting as if nothing had happened. I ignored the words she'd flung at me, brushing it off as the mad words of a mad woman. Shaman...

We reached the outskirts of town, though instead of staying on the path, Eugene pulled me with him to a huge house. I felt watched, though I couldn't get a good look behind me. I somehow knew it was that shaman woman, making sure we left the village. We approached the house rather quickly, though I managed to stay on my feet while Eugene dragged me along. A woman dressed in a dark red dress greeted him, smiling innocently as he approached her, pulling me with him.

"Rose, how nice to see you again.", He murmured loudly, flashing her a cocky smile. "The madame wouldn't be present, by any chance?"

"She's very much present, though I'd hoped you'd be here for another visit with me, instead of the madame...", She answered, pouting as she sighed loudly.

"Later, can you get her?", He asked, growing impatient.

"She's in her office.", Rose answered, moving out of our way. I stayed quiet, hoping to find out what he wanted from this place.

I was blind for a moment as he pulled me into the dark house. He quietly walked along the creaking floor, passing open doors as he walked on with me. I glanced into the rooms, though the only thing that caught my attention was a king sized bed in each room. The windows were hidden behind red, thick looking satin curtains, casting each room in a red glow as the sun began to shine on them completely. A few girls sat in one room, playing cards on one of the beds. They were sparsely clothed. Though I ignored that fact for now.

I tripped suddenly, as Eugene pulled me around a corner. He caught me in time before my face smashed into the ground, though he gave me an annoyed look before continuing on. He stopped in front of a closed door. The door was painted white, with a golden sign on it which read 'Office'. He knocked quietly, telling me to stay put 'or else' before he vanished into the room.

I waited patiently, cursing myself for my obedience. Though I couldn't help it. I wanted to take whatever consequences stealing a horse had. Maybe I would have to work here or so. To work off the debt to him. A horse wasn't really cheap anyways, so that would have been a reasonable thing to do. Work here and pay him back whatever I owed him now.

After about 20 minutes, I pressed my ear to the door, trying to figure out what was going on in there at the moment.

"500 should be enough."

"Well, she's not too bad on the eyes. How about 600?"

"550. That should be enough."

"Well, I can always take her to the other place in Eceida-"

"Alright. 600. It's bad enough loosing some of our clients to them..."

I almost flew in, as the door suddenly opened. A woman stepped out, she looked as if she was in her late forties. She wore a loose dress, which accented the curves she had. She was staring at me, though I couldn't help feeling self-conscious. I wouldn't call myself ugly, though seeing in what I was dressed in now, and when I had my last shower, I had to look like a homeless girl to her.

"She'll do.", The woman handed Eugene a bunch of money, though I didn't know what currency they used here, I guessed those where the 600. Slowly, embarrassingly slow, it dawned on me.

"Did you just sell me to this-", I realized where I was. A huge house. King sized beds in each room. Sparsely clothed girls. "-You're selling me to this whore house?!"

"She's got quite a temper. Though she shouldn't be the first fierce slave girl we break here.", The woman muttered before she grabbed the rope and pulled me with her. Disbelief washed through me, along with shock.

I couldn't speak. I was numb. How could this happen now? I felt like a small doll as she stripped me down, washed me in a metal tub and dressed me in a well fitting red dress. I sat in front of a mirror, staring at my reflection as the woman began to brush my hair with a white comb. It felt great to be clean again, though not under these circumstances. She continued to comb ma hair, rubbing it dry with a towel every once in a while before she'd comb it again.

After it was dry, she led me to a room on the second floor. She left me there, closing the door as she left. She didn't lock the door, though I didn't think about escaping. Exhaustion washed over me. I felt lost. I felt used. I felt hopeless as I slowly sunk onto the bed and drifted off to sleep.

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