Chapter 3

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The Vampires Slave

Chapter 3

"Uh, Samantha?", the green eyed man said. I took a step back from him, not really feeling comfortable standing right next to the guy. He eyed me wearily.

"Who are you? Where- Where am I?", I sputtered hastily. I took another step back, trying to get closer to the tents opening.

"You don't recognize me?", He asked astonished. I stopped my retreat then, though I still felt unsure about talking to some stranger in a place I'd never seen. I leaned a little forward, examining him, trying to place him somewhere.

"The nightclub. Oh my god. Austin. The guys that followed us into the dark alley. They were after us. Marlena. Oh my god. Marlena, I saw her hit the wall. She... is she dead??", I practically yelled at him. He pulled me further into the tent then, covering my mouth with one of his hands. Outside, I heard a group of people walk by.

"Don't yell, alright?", He asked, a frown marring his features. "I don't know, you guys left the club together... didn't you?"

"Someone followed us, I don't know who they were, but I.. I think that they... they killed Marlena....", I cried in horror.

"She's dead? How can you 'think' someone killed her? Didn't you at least check on her?"

"I didn't have time. I was busy with almost dying and that stuff, you know?!", I was mad now, how dare he make me feel any more guilty about her death than I already felt?!

"You almost died?!", he asked incredulously. I took the opportunity to take another step away from him, though he pulled me back to him.

"I didn't die, as you see I'm still here.", I said while fighting my way out of his deathly grip. "Where are we anyways?"

"Oh, how can you not know? How did you get here?"

"I don't know how I got here, but I guess I was brought here by the guys that killed Marlena.", I stated finally.

"Well, you're in Draegan. Home of the wild and the beautiful creatures."

"What do you mean about 'the wild and beautiful creatures'? You know you can call them humans.", I said, I was slowly getting annoyed with his weirdness.

"Yeah well, the term 'humans' doesn't exactly fi-"

"Wait, where is Draegan? I never heard of it before, are you just kidding me and we're really at a renaissance fair?", I asked dumbfounded. Though I finally managed to yank myself free from him.

"Uh, you know, those things that go running around in the night killing people?", He asked hopefully. I really wanted to smack him right there. He was talking about killing people as if it was something natural, like breathing or so.

"Serial Killers?", I slowly said and watched his hopeful expression bite the dust.

"No, Vampires. You know, Vampires, Witches, Fairies, Trolls... They have their own World", He continued irritated.

"But there were people out there, they sold their vegetables and all that...", I shook my head, he didn't make any sense. I couldn't believe what he was telling me. "And I saw you at the night club. You looked so- so ordinary."

"Yeah, well excuse me for not being all sparkly and blood sucking!", He snapped at me.

"You.. are one of those?", I asked surprised.

"Well, yeah. Sorry for not being a disgusting meat bag like you!", He said, clearly annoyed.

"I didn't mean it the way it sounded. I'm sorry.", I whispered. He was the only person here I knew, I needed him to help me...

"Yeah, well, we don't have time for apologies. We have to go now."

"Where are we going? Are you bringing me home?", I was excited, now I could just go back and- I frowned. It still wouldn't be the same without Marlena.

"I'll take you home with me now, then we'll come up with a plan."

"Why do we need a plan? We could just catch Tinker bell and she'll beam me back home.", I stated feeling very smart. If he could be weird, then so could I. Though I really did believe it was that easy the moment I said it.

"No. We couldn't just 'catch Tinker bell'. Did you kill off your braincells? There is no Tinker bell.", He said while pulling me out of the tent.

"Oh, sorry...", I mumbled. I almost stumbled as he dragged me along, though he didn't seem to care.

"FISH!!! WANNA BUY SOME FISH?? IT'S THE BEST FISH AROUND!", A fat guy yelled around. I didn't think that he sold very much.

"No. No fish now", Austin said while pulling me along.

"How can I go back Home?", I asked confused.

"Well, the only portal that I know of that ACTUALLY would bring you back to the mortal world, is in the castle.", He said.

"How do... we uhh, get in there?", I was afraid of that answer.

"I don't know."

He pulled me along the medieval shopping plaza until we where near the clothes line that I 'visited' earlier. I wrapped the cloak tighter around myself, I didn't want anyone to see me.

"Do you have anything cool here?", I asked, trying to establish some kind of conversation as I tried to keep up with him.

"Well, we have the hunting season, each Sunday. We take the prettiest girls, let them run away into a forest, then the king gives us the signal and we chase and kill them."

"R-really?", I questioned. After all he'd told me, I really believed him for a moment.

"No. But I thought you wanted to hear something that would be more horrible than a simple 'Not really'.", Austin said, smiling sheepishly. He finally let go of my arm. I rubbed it softly. He had a death grip.

"You have a horrible sense of humor.", I stated flatly. I continued to follow him along the path.

We continued walking. My feet hurt, it felt like I've been walking forever now. Though suddenly we stopped in front of a mansion surrounded by fields.

"So, this is where I live.", He said proudly.

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