Chapter 11

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The Vampires Slave

Chapter 11

*Prince Leviathans P.O.V.*

I listened to her frenzied heartbeat as she slowly fell asleep. I wanted to know what had just happened to her but, I didn’t know how to bring it up to ask. I wondered if it was what I did a few nights ago. But that wasn't something to have nightmares about. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. The window was still open and the cold air felt good as the room cooled off. I yawned as sleep was threatening to overtake me. I fought sleep, not wanting to waste the moments she was in my arms. I was surprised that she didn’t fight me as she woke up earlier. Suddenly, she didn't feel like a burden anymore. She was just as lost as I was. I tilted my head to the side, so it was leaning on hers as sleep overtook me. 

I slept peacefully until I heard a scream. I thought it was the slave. But as I looked up I saw Nathalie standing in the door, her face mixed with anger and shock. I opened my mouth to talk as she turned and ran. A quick look down told me the girl was still sleeping. I didn’t really want to wake her. What had she said her name was? I thought about it for a while as Lace and Nathalie appeared in the open doorway. His face was a mask of utter surprise.

*Laces P.O.V.*

I was in the throne room discussing the nights attack with the king. A scream echoed through the castle, though neither the king nor I really paid attention to it. As Nathalie came running into the room, her eyes glistening with tears.

“We'll have to build up stronger defenses for the eastern border. Those rogues won't succeed the next time.”, The king said pointing his bony finger, to the eastern border of the kingdom, on the map laid out in front of him. “I will send some soldiers there today to help with the clean-up.”

“We should double the guards in the towers and maybe we should light up the border so they won’t be able to catch us in surprise.”, I said staring questionably at Nathalie. She motioned for me to follow as I turned back to the king. “May I be excused your highness?”

“Yes, Lace. If you see my son, please tell him to come to me after lunch today.”, He said studying the map.

I left the room and Nathalie ran ahead. I didn’t know what had upset her like this but, I had a feeling that it could be Samanthas fault. Nathalie stopped in front of the princes door and pointed into the room. I stepped in and saw the prince, almost naked, with Samantha sleeping in his arm.

“Your highness.”, I said nodding in surprise. “The, uh, the king wants to see you after lunch.”

“What about?”, the prince asked, pulling his arm away from where it was slung around Samantha.

“Uh, a little village on the eastern border was attacked by rogues last night. We think that they tried to fight their way to the castle.”, I said as I regained my posture.

“How many?”, He asked sadly as he leaned forward.

“Many, the king is sending soldiers to help clean it all up.”, I said, feeling his pain.

“Send doctors too, and lots of medicine for the ones that are hurt too badly to be moved. Send everyone else to the hospital. We'll pay. And make sure that everybody gets a basic medical exam. I don't want to see any more people hurt. Please have my horse ready, I will be going there too.”, He said as he got up and pulled on a pair of trousers.

“Yes, your highness.”, I said as I closed the door and instructed Nathalie to bring Samantha breakfast.

I was still shocked to see him with Samantha. It was none of my business, but I suspected Nathalies hatred for Samantha to be growing stronger by the minute.

*Nathalies P.O.V.*

She thought she could steal the prince from me that little whore! I walked into the kitchen to fix the her breakfast as Lace instructed me to. I went to fetch the tray and set the fixed dishes on it. I made sure that nobody was around as I went to a cabinet and pulled out a small box of pills. I smiled as I crunched the pills to dust and mixed it in with the sandwich I had made. I knew too well what I was doing as I drank the milk for her breakfast myself and poured some orange juice into the glass. The milk would only kill the effects of the pills.

I smiled devilishly as I brought the tray to the princes room. It would take about an hour before the effect took place, so I wouldn’t be a suspect. I knocked on the door and walked in. The prince was making room in his closet and the whore was still sleeping on the couch. I set the tray on the couch next to her and smiled nicely. Then I turned my back and walked out. This problem would soon be taken care of...

*Samanthas P.O.V.*

I woke up alone on the couch. I thought the prince was sitting next to me. I must have been dreaming. I got up and went to the bathroom. I came back, stretched, yawned and turned to look out of the window. A group of what seemed to be soldiers or so were riding out past the market place. There were a few carriages, too. I didn’t know what was going on, but I could feel it that something was wrong. I turned around and noticed the prince moving stuff around in his closet. I glanced at the couch as I picked up the blanket from the floor. There was a tray full of food, presumably my breakfast. I started to fold the huge blanket but, the prince came over and proceeded to fold it. He smiled warmly at me as I sat down. He then took it and the pillow and stored them in the closet. It felt nice knowing that he had a warm and happy side too. I picked up half a sandwich and bit into it. It tasted weird, but I didn’t know what exactly caused that awkward taste. I just ate it and drank the orange juice. It was weird. Normally, well the whole time I was here till now, there would be milk too. As I finished, I got a little drowsy. I picked up the book and set it on the window sill, next to the glass. I picked up the glass and brought it back into the bathroom. When I turned to the doorway, I saw the prince walt back to the couch, picking up my clothes. I was leaning against the doors frame as I watched him put them into the closet.

I went to the closet and took out one of the dresses he had just put in there and walked back into the bathroom. I slowly shut the door and saw Nathalie smile at me before the door was completely shut. She probably took the tray back to the kitchen. I noticed a brass key in the lock. If I had known that sooner, then I would have showered yesterday or so. I turned the key and turned looking at the shower. I stripped down, threw my dress down the chute, and stepped in. I turned the hot and cold knobs until the water was the perfect temperature. I felt like I was in heaven. After I finished, I stepped out and opened the little closet in which the towels were. I noticed that I didn’t have a bra or underwear and wrapped a big towel around myself, turned the key and opened the door. I stepped into the warm bedroom, but the prince was already gone. His boots were still there so I figured that he’d come back in a while. I walked over to the couch but felt a wave of sleepy and dizziness overcome me. I managed a few more steps until I fell to the ground.

I heard footsteps and turned my head to see who it was. Nathalie was standing above me laughing hysterically. I heard her mutter something about ‘wrong pills. But what worried me more, were her hands around my neck, squeezing.

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