Chapter 6: The Garden

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The sun was shining in my eyes that morning. The blinding light made me squint and groan from the discomfort. I sat up in the bed to avoid the light, rubbing my eyes before I scanned the room. I’d totally forgotten I was in the palace. I didn’t see the cracking paint on the wall, or the shaded window that kept the sunlight from coming in. Beckham was sitting on the couch sipping a cup of coffee. He was looking at me now. 

        “You’re awake.” I uncovered myself and walked up to him, pouring myself a cup of coffee. 

        “You seem surprised.” He offered me some creamer which I gladly took. “Thank you. I’m not a fan of black coffee, just a little fact about me.” I glanced at his own cup of coffee. “You seem to like the opposite?” It was more of a question than a statement. 

        “I don’t have a preference, really. I’m not too picky.” I nodded as I stirred my coffee and took a sip. The silky liquid had a sweet, French vanilla tang, not to mention an amazing aftertaste. I moaned in delight. 

        “God, this is liquid gold right here.” He laughed and shook his head at me, setting down his now finished cup and standing up. 

        “Don’t drink too much or you’ll get sick.” He warned. I rested my head on my hand and smiled up at him. 

        “Awe, look at you. Looking out for me. How sweet.” He smirked at me and gave me an evil eye.

        “How do you know I didn’t poison the coffee and now I’m deciding to spare you instead?” 

        “Okay, now you’re just being an ass.” We both smiled and laughed. He went to his closet and I went to mine. Today was definitely not a day I particularly wanted to wear a dress. Last night I’d seen the palace garden. Maybe I’d go down there today. I could use some peace, after all. The memories from the 'tapping' of the window last night flashed back. For a fraction of a second, my chest felt heavy and my heart turned to stone, and then everything was normal again. Then I remembered Love’s words of wisdom: Don’t let what he did to you in the past dictate what will happen in the future... I could just imagine her telling one of her silly jokes. She was always there for me when I needed her. The thought made me smile, and I turned back to the closet to pick out what I wanted to wear today. 

        When I went downstairs for breakfast the castle was buzzing with life. I could smell delicious food wafting through the air. It made my mouth water. Some of the large dining room windows were open to let in some fresh air, each window pane lined with white, bringing out the royal blue accents of the room. I hadn't noticed the Romanian style pillars that acted as if they were holding up the ceiling. I loved it.

        Large paintings were hung up around the room, too. I saw a picture of the royal family. The queen sat in a gold metal chair lined with red velvet while the king stood slightly behind her. Beckham stood on the right side of the chair in the signature royal uniform, a royal crest resting on his chest. I cocked my head at the way he looked. I'd never really seen him in formal attire yet. I didn't think it suited him, although he did look relatively handsome in it. He didn't smile, he looked serious. They all did. Though the queen looked a little more relaxed with her arms resting in her lap. She wore a beautiful white gown and a blue sash lined with gold, also baring another sign of the royal crest, although hers was embroidered into the sash.

After analyzing the painting for a few minutes longer, I decided to go out on the balcony. The curtains to the open doors swayed from the warm breeze. I could hear birds singing their usual morning song and I decided to hum along. Placing my hands on the railing of the balcony I looked out at the wide, clear ocean. I'd never seen it from a distance like this before.

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