Chapter 17: The Honeymoon (Part 1)

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-A month later-

        Beckham and I were almost ready. I packed my last couple things into my suitcase, double-checking just to make sure I didn’t forget anything. Sunscreen, swimsuit, extra clothes… where’s my toothbrush?

        “Bliss!” He called from under the balcony in our room. “We’ve got to go!”

        “Just hold on, I’m coming!” I quickly scavenged through the drawers in the bathroom cabinets. I found toothpaste, cotton balls, nail polish remover, and toilet paper. I huffed out annoyed that I couldn’t find it. Where in the world could it be?

        “BLISS!” He roared just as I grasped my toothbrush from inside a plastic capsule. Now he meant business. I scrambled to get my suitcase out the bedroom door and down the steps. It definitely wasn’t an easy ride. It was a really bumpy one. Beckham’s expression was annoyed and impatient, his arms crossing over themselves after checking the watch on his wrist. He was someone that liked leaving early, which I was totally okay with… unless it wasn’t necessary, kind of like right now. It wasn’t like we had to catch a scheduled flight, we had our own plane to travel in. And we could take all the time we needed to get to our destination. “Does it really take women this long to do things?” I blew some hair out of my face, now a little frustrated, and walked past him heading for the door.

        “No,” Was all I said. We hadn’t necessarily been getting along the best lately… Ever since the ‘imagination’ incident the day I gave my speech, Beckham hasn’t been trusting me as much as he used to. He won’t let me go on rides with Majesty as often. He doesn’t like when I go somewhere by myself, because he thinks I’ll do something like I did that day. I always have somebody watching me, whether it’s him, a guard, or a friend or family member. Because he was doing things like that, I’d get angry at him causing him to get angry, too. Most time when one of us was in a bad mood the other person was as well. There was one time we fought over what we wanted to eat for dinner and ended up not talking to each other for three days. Dinner. We fought over dinner. Then it would lead to other things, like what we should do for the day, or I’d say I didn’t want to go to a specific meeting, etc. We were in a rough patch, that’s for sure. And to top it all off, our coronation to become king and queen would take place in two weeks time. Fantastic. Hopefully, this trip would bring us some relief and a chance to unwind and relax.

We’re really going to need this

Beckham shook his head at me, keeping his eyes trained on the floor, and followed after me to close the door behind us.

We’re going to need a miracle.


        The plane ride was less than satisfactory for me. There were men, in fact, one of them was Dylan, coming with us because Beckham wanted the ‘extra security’. Great. Just more eyes to watch my every move. I crossed my arms, then my legs and laid my head on the cool window pane next to me. The clouds whizzed by in white, fluffy tufts, each passing by one at a time. They looked almost exactly like cotton balls.

        I could feel Beckham’s gaze on me, but I paid no attention. I was lost in my own thoughts. Such as our destination. Apparently, we were flying out of the country and going to a foreign part of Aridonya territory. I’d never been anywhere outside of my safe home, but I was willing to take the adventurous risk. Beckham had told me all about where we were going when he made the final decision. “It’s a beautiful beachfront with such an amazing view, honey. You’re going to love it, I promise you.” The pit of my stomach stirred as his attention continued to lay directly on me. He hadn’t bothered to look, or do, anything else. He just kept admiring me with his dazzling eyes. I felt butterflies whenever he would swallow every once in a while. What could be possibly be thinking about…? We hadn't done anything since our steamy evening in the bathroom, which probably wasn't a good thing, but we just weren't emotionally healthy enough to go through with that kind of action right now. I'm sure we were both hoping this vacation would get us out of our 'funk'. 

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