Chapter 22: The Decision

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        Beckham was super worried about everything that happened yesterday. He was insistent on leaving the castle to go somewhere safer, but I kept trying to convince him that everything was going to be just fine and that I can handle myself. I didn't like that he was taking such extra precautions (okay, maybe I did a little bit) this shadow. He knew I was a trained warrior and badass princess, so why couldn't he accept the fact that I can handle this on my own? It's me that the shadow is talking to, anyway. Maybe I can find out more information from it without asking directly. 

        "Beck, this is going to work, I promise," I told him as he opened a packaged can of peaches from the shelf compartment. It was five in the morning. Even with the extra security and comfort of Beckham, I couldn't find myself content enough to sleep. I was drained from the lack of sleep and cuddled the bedsheets close to my chest in comfort. They were fluffy and warm and kept my body heat contained. 

        "I'm not saying I don't think it will work, Bliss," He said. "I'm saying I don't want you getting hurt again." I closed one eye and pressed my cheek into the pillow, my other eye watching him as he grabbed a fork from one of the cabinets.

        "It was only a scratch," I muttered. He whipped his head around and gazed at me sternly.

        "That scratch could've turned into something a lot worse if Katana and Lynessa hadn't come to get you," He scolded. "You should be lucky that a scratch is all you got." I glared at him a little.

        "I am, thank you very much, smartass." He frustratingly stabbed a sliced peach. 

        "Don't be a smartass by calling me a smartass." 
        "Oh yeah?" I challenged, feeling suddenly and sitting up in the bed on my knees. I rose my arms into a defensive stance and nodded my head at him. "Come on, I dare you." He shook his head defiantly and looked down at his food.

        "Nope. I'm busy." My lips tightened in frustration.

        "I dare you." His eyes lifted greedily to meet mine. He was getting annoyed with my prodding. Good.

        "I said no." I frowned and looked away to pull the sheets over my shoulder, facing away from him so I was looking into the reflective metal of the wall. He was still eating his food when I spotted his blurry reflection in it. I smirked at him in the metal reflection as I awaited his reaction.

        "Pussy." His head snapped up at that, eyes blazing and nostrils flaring. I saw him slam the can onto the small kitchen table, somehow not spilling anything anywhere, and march over to the bed where I lay vulnerable. My eyes widened when I saw how fast he was moving, my head turning to face him in fear as he jumped after me in the tangle of sheets and pillows. Had I taken it too far...? To my surprise, I was being dragged out of the bed and onto the floor. I landed with a thump, my butt aching a little at the hard contact of metal. I rubbed it as I stood and turned to Beckham, who was in a fighting stance.

        "You wanted to spar. Let's go." I put on my game face and lowered my shoulders, keeping my arms in front of me and fists in front of my face. He struck first, jabbing his right fist out at me, which I dodged easily. Then he continued with many combos of hand combat, both of us switching back and forth between offense and defense. We were both beginning to sweat and each of us was breathing harder and harder by the second, probably because both of us were either too determined or too stubborn to let the other win this fight. My eyes drooped and legs shook as I stood exhausted. With one last attempt at knocking him out, I swung my left leg up at his mid-torso. He caught it with ease, granted I didn't have much energy left. Grasping my ankle, he stepped forward and pulled me up close to him, his hand now supporting my lifted thigh that was wrapped around his waist. His eyes were bold and pure. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the glistening of his sweat on his neck. He kissed me thoroughly and rough yet loving and passionately at the same time. I didn't fight any urges as I opened my mouth to let his tongue taste and explore me. His breath was warm on my blazing skin. I craved being close with him. We separated from each other, barely any space between us as our lips still brushed, and gazed into each other's eyes. Then he smirked, his eyes glancing from my eyes to my lips. "I think we need a shower." I nodded tiredly. "Together." He emphasized. I bit my lip and nodded again. 

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